John Cressman
While I think the article is a bit lopsided, I do agree with the general sentiment.
I have been a huge TES fan for years - MANY years, enjoying Daggerfall and Ultima Underworld side by side. They were incredible graphics and immersion for the time.
I've loved how they've continued to improve the interface, story and immersion by keeping up with the technology each release.
Sadly, ESO falls FAR, FAR short of the regular TES games. I'm level 42 on my main character (I have 8 characters currently) and I'm bored. The author is dead on when he says the quests are lackluster. I just did a quest (A level 42 quest) that involved catching fireflies... REALLY?! At level 42? That should have been something you did in the starter island.
Other quests are too buggy to complete or make no exception for things that make sense. For instance, in one quest you freeze to death if you get too far away from torches... only problem... I'm a vampire. I'm FREAKING UNDEAD... the cold really should not affect me at all... ESPECIALLY since vampires get an intolerance to fire. Simple programming they could have done to make it more immersive... but they didn't.
The money I spent initially DID rub me the wrong way due to most of the REAL MMOs being free-to-play now, but I figured it would be worth it... I was wrong. It was a money grab pure and simple and I'm just waiting for them to drop the in-game store hammer and free-to-play option to really make me regret shelling out the money.
Was it worth the $60? Probably... I've spent as many hours in it as I have in some other games I've paid that type of money for... more time than some actually.
But it is a HUGE disappointment. Not to mention BUGGY AS HELL. I had my bank reset and lost the items in my bank... not ONCE... BUT TWICE. I got some idiotic email about the items being summoned back... that was 3 weeks ago. Still nothing and no word. Their support makes overseas tech support by people who can't speak your language look GOOD. But that is par for the course in an MMO, who consistantly have only slightly better support than a Chinese prison camp.
He writer is dead one right about the sparsely populated land and re-used areas. I've noticed that repeated as I've gone through dungeons and areas on all three functions... cut and paste baby... cut and paste.
But I do agree that the crafting system is FAIRLY well done... the most insanely annoying thing about it is the artificial research times for traits... with the final trait basically taking a RL month to complete. INSANITY. IDIOCY. And only fanboi will defend it. It has no logical or physical merit. As someone who has ACTUALLY MADE LEATHER ARMOR.... I can tell you, learning your first few "traits" will be the most difficult, learning the rest come easy after you know the basics. It's clear they haphaxardly through the wait time in there so people wouldn't level up in a single day - not that you could even if you wanted to since - as he pointed out - you cannot be JUST a crafter... you are FORCED to be an adventurer to get the skill points to advance your craft. While it's true you can gain xp in the craft by doing crafty things, in order to make better armor out of high level materials you MUST spend skill points... and that means adventuring. NO WAY to be just a crafter unless you want to make the most basic, low-level stuff.
I have been a huge TES fan for years - MANY years, enjoying Daggerfall and Ultima Underworld side by side. They were incredible graphics and immersion for the time.
I've loved how they've continued to improve the interface, story and immersion by keeping up with the technology each release.
Sadly, ESO falls FAR, FAR short of the regular TES games. I'm level 42 on my main character (I have 8 characters currently) and I'm bored. The author is dead on when he says the quests are lackluster. I just did a quest (A level 42 quest) that involved catching fireflies... REALLY?! At level 42? That should have been something you did in the starter island.
Other quests are too buggy to complete or make no exception for things that make sense. For instance, in one quest you freeze to death if you get too far away from torches... only problem... I'm a vampire. I'm FREAKING UNDEAD... the cold really should not affect me at all... ESPECIALLY since vampires get an intolerance to fire. Simple programming they could have done to make it more immersive... but they didn't.
The money I spent initially DID rub me the wrong way due to most of the REAL MMOs being free-to-play now, but I figured it would be worth it... I was wrong. It was a money grab pure and simple and I'm just waiting for them to drop the in-game store hammer and free-to-play option to really make me regret shelling out the money.
Was it worth the $60? Probably... I've spent as many hours in it as I have in some other games I've paid that type of money for... more time than some actually.
But it is a HUGE disappointment. Not to mention BUGGY AS HELL. I had my bank reset and lost the items in my bank... not ONCE... BUT TWICE. I got some idiotic email about the items being summoned back... that was 3 weeks ago. Still nothing and no word. Their support makes overseas tech support by people who can't speak your language look GOOD. But that is par for the course in an MMO, who consistantly have only slightly better support than a Chinese prison camp.
He writer is dead one right about the sparsely populated land and re-used areas. I've noticed that repeated as I've gone through dungeons and areas on all three functions... cut and paste baby... cut and paste.
But I do agree that the crafting system is FAIRLY well done... the most insanely annoying thing about it is the artificial research times for traits... with the final trait basically taking a RL month to complete. INSANITY. IDIOCY. And only fanboi will defend it. It has no logical or physical merit. As someone who has ACTUALLY MADE LEATHER ARMOR.... I can tell you, learning your first few "traits" will be the most difficult, learning the rest come easy after you know the basics. It's clear they haphaxardly through the wait time in there so people wouldn't level up in a single day - not that you could even if you wanted to since - as he pointed out - you cannot be JUST a crafter... you are FORCED to be an adventurer to get the skill points to advance your craft. While it's true you can gain xp in the craft by doing crafty things, in order to make better armor out of high level materials you MUST spend skill points... and that means adventuring. NO WAY to be just a crafter unless you want to make the most basic, low-level stuff.