Greg Martin :
why are people downvoting honest positive comments about the game? I didn't like it either but none of them are being fanboys. I didn't think the game was THAT bad but it could have been a lot better. Whatever the opposite of a fanboy is its just as annoying. You guys are being childish.
There are a couple on here that are very clearly doing damage control - it's really quite easy to tell by the language - same type of read you get when you read a fake Amazon review - once you can spot one, you can spot most. Those are the ones getting the most down-votes.
Also, the clear consensus of people reading this article is that they agree with the author. Most of the people trying to support the game aren't providing any truly personal testimonial as to why they actually like the game. Most of the supporting comments read just like the ESO website. That's why they're getting the down-votes.
I just spent a couple hours reviewing youtube videos of ESO playthrus, because I was one who really wanted to buy ESO but wasn't willing to spend the $$ until the jury was out on whether or not it is worth it. So, those videos really just confirm what the author says here. But I will tell you, some of those authors love the game. So, I'll say to anyone trying to rebut this article that the best way to do that is to provide some specific testimonial as to why you like the game.
csbeer :
Unfair review. While valid points are brought up, the tone of this article comes across as, well, one person's 8 page opinion (on a well known website nonetheless). I could pick apart some points, e.g. why is the Imperial package "all-but-required"? There's a whole lot more to anchors than one this ADD reviewer experienced (they can drop a blue item if done correctly, they level up Fighter's guild xp, and are actually a good alternative for leveling). But I get the feeling if I took the criticism of this review further, it would just be 2 people shouting opinions and I could just reread the review if I wanted another dose of subjective blather. The whole point of a review is to at least appear objective, Tom's needs to give this author a basic primer on how to put together a write-up that doesn't sound like its coming from Reddit.
It's pretty apparent that the author struck a chord that resonates with the vast majority of the readers of the article. So, the frank and opinionated language is, quite frankly, appreciated. The same went for a similar scathing article on And there are many others drawing the same conclusion.
Look, many of the readers of this forum wanted ESO to be great. I'm one of them. Perhaps you're right, perhaps it is underrated; perhaps they will fill in the content. Perhaps they will add some original design so maybe your 4th trip through the same dungeon it will morph into something that is actually interesting to explore. Unfortunately, I don't get how they fix this whole parallel play thing - that is something that's pretty fundamental to the design and approach to the whole thing.
But if they do figure that out; If they make it worth all the $$ they're charging for it, then I will have no problem forking that cash over to play. But as of right now, there are a ton of new mods on the Skyrim nexus since my last play-thru, and I'm having a heck of a time playing that again. And just the thought of going from a Requiem based Skyrim play-thru with all of the Realism mods to ESO, with everything that I can see about how dumbed-down that game is.... No thanks for now, but I'll keep watching, hoping they fix it.