While I can see your standpoint, I really do.
I do somehow get the feeling that you have a history with TES, right?
Because it seems that those that go into TESO hoping for it to be the next grand game within the Elder Scrolls-series, they get disappointed in the MMO-part of it.
And those going into it hoping its the next big MMO, they also get disappointed.
But those (like me), going into it with the hopes that it will be something in between.
A good MMO and a good Elder Scrolls-game, are pleasantly surprised.
I only played Oblivion and Skyrim, and not that much either.
I'm quite used to MMO's, since I've been playing them for about 10 years.
But so far, I have not felt anything for any MMO since World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and\or Lord of The Rings Online.
Not even once have there been anything to close the gap.
The only two games that came close were Guild Wars 2 and Neverwinter.
But both lack content, since they are not pay to play.
I'm still at level 23 as we speak. But I've spent around 30-40 hours on that character alone, while other people are vet10 by that time.
Why? Because I've enjoyed everything about it.
The exploring, the challenges, the lore-books, fishing.. you name it.
And while I get that some people dont like it after playing it. That's how it works,
but for some of the comments (and reviews), it seems like they just want to rant it because they can.
Even when I see people writing "I haven't played the game, but it's horrible."
I'm like "... what?"
As my personal reference, I can still remember the early levels when I were exploring.
Suddenly finding skyshards, and then the sun came up and made everything look dashing.
Or in the beta, where I had been online for around 30 minutes, then to suddenly turning my head and seeing that it was now evening, and I had been playing for 3 hours without noticing it, because I was so immersed into the game.
But where you say it's lacking content, I totally disagree.
I stay in touch with the community, and those who play are finding new content every day. And ofcourse, the new contentpatch that will come soon will most likely keep it going for another month or so.
Ofcourse, some will have done the content in a few days. But that's how it always is.
And a heads up. If you thought ESO were "kill 10 of this and 10 of that",
dont try Wildstar.
I pre-ordered the deluxe ed. of Wildstar, but had to get a refund after a few weeks of playing the beta (without cap).
I got so amazingly tired of doing the same three quests over and over again, and they had little to no story behind them either.