Well, you better tell his trusty mechanic to bring a compression gauge and tools for removing the spark plugs with him. The only way you're going to get any idea at all of what kind of life that engine has left in it is to do a compression test. If the owner is unwilling to allow a compression test, then you don't want to buy that vehicle anyhow.
Since I'm fairly confident that there's no way that vehicle only has 14,000 miles on it (14,000 on a rebuilt engine is a possibility though, but there's a big difference between a car with 14,000 miles and an engine with 14,000 miles since there are a lot more things that can wear out than just the engine. Transmission would be a bonafide concern at that vehicles probably mileage.) it's unlikely they'll want to allow one.
BTW, this happens to be one of the things I do for a living.
T.V knows his way around cars pretty well too. He's worked on his ride at my garage before.