The Power Supply Unit tier list Discussion thread

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Yep and it's 80 Plus Platinum making it most likely based on the newest Seasonic Platinum XP3 platform. It should easily be tier 1.
I'm currently deciding between a Super Flower Golden Green HX 750w (usually I'd go with 650 but anything below 750 isn't semi-modular in the Golden Green HX series) and a Super Flower Leadex 650w which would cost me about 20€ more then the Golden Green HX.

Now 650w is enough for me since I don't plan on using dual graphics cards so the argument that the Golden Green HX has more watts is irrelevant.

Jonnyguru has a review for the Leadex Gold, which has a great score, and a review for the Green Power (no HX), which also scores very good. Now I'm wondering what's the difference between the Golden Green and Golden Green HX series?
I can't seem to find that info.

Do you guys think that the extra 20€ for the Leadex Gold is worth it considering that it doesn't have a LED fan (which is a plus for me), is fully modular with black cables and is higher quality (even though both PSUs should be very good in terms of quality)?

I really hope someone can help me out on this.
Thanks in advance!
The circuit design and quality of components used in its construction are different.

The Golden Green HX Series is built using cheaper Taiwanese CapXon electrolytic capacitors.

The Leadex Gold Series is built with top tier Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con electrolytic capacitors.
Thank you for the quick answer!

"top tier Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con electrolytic capacitors" that sounds really awesome 🙂

Do you also know the difference between the Golden Green HX and Golden Green (non HX) series?
I'd like to know if I can apply the results of jonnyguru's Golden Green (non HX) review on the Golden Green HX.

The Golden Green is built using Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con electrolytic capacitors and have semi-modular output cables.

The Golden Green HX Series models have slightly different +12V rail capacity than their equivalent capacity Golden Green Series models so you can't apply the performance results of the non-HX models to the HX models. The HX Series models seem to be newer and its voltage regulation seems to be better than the non-HX models from the review of one of the HX models I've read.
Had a bad experience a few years ago with a Corsair RM750. Fan wasn't properly sync to the trigger temps. Plus, the parts weren't the best. My computer wouldn't establish a beep code which was the first sign I had a psu problem. It started cutting off cold and finally quit starting altogether. Turned out Corsair recalled a certain group of serial numbers of the RM750 model. Mine was part of that batch. I normally buy XFX and SeaSonic. Because I heard Corsair buys or is manufactured by SeaSonic (which is supposed to be one of the higher quality psu's on the market), I took it for granted and went ahead and bought it. Well, wrong is wrong , never be right until it's made right. They contracted out to a different psu company. Got a return RMA on the RM750 but my motherboard slowly died a short time later and had video error codes as well. Rather than deal with any further damaged parts, I replaced the computer. Course, this is not what someone wants to read.. . but it does pays to do diligence when researching stuff.
Thanks to this thread, I have better gear in now so keep this psu thread going.
Some high end Corsair units are made by Seasonic but that RM 750 is made by Chicony Power Technology.

Looks like Corsair has discontinued using Chicony Power Technology as the OEM for the RM750 and RM850. It's been moved over to CWT.
I'm with you on that except add Flextronics to the short list. They are generally expensive though.

Corsairs' taught me to avoid them. Besides purchasing a bad RM750, their sweet advertising lured me into purchasing an H55 water cooler that didn't have enough liquid in it. Wasn't cooling properly and gargled like an old man. I bought a Carbide 330R case that had off-center motherboard mounts. Out of the box, my Asus board couldn't match it.
Believe it or not, I bought them at the same time with the RM750. Made me really think they're in for the sale, not the consumer's best interest.
well that can be said for just about every manufacturer. At the end of the day they are all in it for the money. Personally I have yet to have an issue with Corsiar. I have purchased close to a dozen Carbide 330R cases and many CM,CX and RM power supplies without issues.

I am curious if you got all your Corsair equipment from the same store? could have been a bad batch. or maybe I have just lucked out for all these years. who knows.

A bad batch can't affect three different product lines.

My guess is a reduction in QC, combined with bad luck.
Guyss I am so confused here. My power supply is the EVGA NEX750B (as said on front of box) which is listed as a Tier Two Class B PSU BUT is also called the NEX 750 B1 off the EVGA website which is a tier three PSU. So is this an error on the list, which power supply is mine, and...just...what's going on??

EVGA SuperNOVA 750 B1
Part Number: 110-B1-0750-VR

EVGA SuperNOVA 750 B2
Part Number: 110-B2-0750-VR

EVGA SuperNOVA NEX750B (Discontinued) <=== This is the one you have.
Part Number: 120-PB-0750-KR

Darn, just realized I have the Vr version which is the newer one. So that means I got the worse one. I'm dying to upgrade it anyways. It's SO LOUD, coil whines, and from what I've seen just isn't so good overall. Looking to upgrade to the G2 once I take the SLI route as it does not fit in a quiet computer AT ALL.

I hardly get bad stuff, too. My friend recommended I buy Corsair stuff. He swears by the name. Then one day I see this excellent batch of goodies on sale. Amazon. Case, pump and psu. And I said to myself, "O.K., he thinks Corsair's nifty stuff". I see his case and his components and it's all good. I trust his judgement. Why not? He's got a shop, he's in the business.
I was thinking about replacing the i7 920, anyway. I take his word, budgeted about a grand and half, do a little research on components and buy myself a perky 3770k set up. It'll be snap. I'll have it running in a few hours. Lol, it took a few weeks. I have no idea if I bought first hand defective components, returned or repackaged stuff. It may have been on a shelf a long time or the case was freight damaged. It was all nicely shrink-wrapped or formed and bagged. Who knows.
The water pump mimicked the drain in the bathtub and the motherboard holes in the case didn't align. When I fitted the video card, it couldn't mount to the PCIe slots at the back of the case. My friend thought I was putting him on, till he seen the problems and heard the water cooler. Now he says I didn't do my research well after the psu fried itself. He's got a lot of b4lls.
In one sense, I'm glad I didn't do this to a friend or customer. Believe me, I've had customers irate with me who can't understand which end is up and for this stupid reason, I'm pretty happy it happened to me, not them.

if i do not intend to overclock and my prime concern is efficiency and ability to take the basic load, what would you suggest,
Seasonic M12II Evo 620W VS Corsair CS650M, both being the exact same price, here in India. (around 110$)

Seasonic M12II Evo 620W
Corsair CS650M has much better voltage regulation and higher conversion efficiency than the Seasonic M12II-620 Bronze EVO Edition.

The Seasonic M12II-620 Bronze EVO Edition is based on an older group regulated circuit topology.

The Corsair CS650M uses modern DC-to-DC forward converter topology.
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