That Antec EarthWatts EA 380D Green, in your list, uses a Samxon capacitor on its primary. The secondary uses a mix of Nippon Chemi-Con (KZE), Ltec (LZG) and Taicon capacitors.
Samxon, Ltec and Taicon are definitely not Japanese.
That PSU is rated to maintain its rated power capacity up to 50°C.
That Antec EarthWatts EA 380D Green, in your list, uses a Samxon capacitor on its primary. The secondary uses a mix of Nippon Chemi-Con (KZE), Ltec (LZG) and Taicon capacitors.
Samxon, Ltec and Taicon are definitely not Japanese.
That PSU is rated to maintain its rated power capacity up to 50°C.
You are right. I should have put NO since it does have that one Samxon. Where did you find the 50C rating?
The list is looking pretty good, but maybe consider putting the AX1500i as another choice for a 1500-1600 watt 80+ Titanium unit? It might go on sale for less than the 1600 T2. Also, you might want to put units with different efficiencies for every wattage level (I'm sure you thought of that, didn't you?).
That Antec EarthWatts EA 380D Green, in your list, uses a Samxon capacitor on its primary. The secondary uses a mix of Nippon Chemi-Con (KZE), Ltec (LZG) and Taicon capacitors.
Samxon, Ltec and Taicon are definitely not Japanese.
That PSU is rated to maintain its rated power capacity up to 50°C.
You are right. I should have put NO since it does have that one Samxon. Where did you find the 50C rating?
That Antec EarthWatts EA 380D Green, in your list, uses a Samxon capacitor on its primary. The secondary uses a mix of Nippon Chemi-Con (KZE), Ltec (LZG) and Taicon capacitors.
Samxon, Ltec and Taicon are definitely not Japanese.
That PSU is rated to maintain its rated power capacity up to 50°C.
You are right. I should have put NO since it does have that one Samxon. Where did you find the 50C rating?
Damric have you checked your PMs today? If not you should. I have it on good authority you have one you might want to read I know some people don't bother with PMs often.
Damric have you checked your PMs today? If not you should. I have it on good authority you have one you might want to read I know some people don't bother with PMs often.
Provost: Middle English, from Old English profost & Anglo-French provost, from Medieval Latin propositus, alteration of praepositus, from Latin, one in charge, director, from past participle of praeponere to place at the head.
Just replaced my ultra 750w (tier 5, no efficiency rating) with an evga g2 series 750w (tier 1, 80+ gold). Hopefully theres no permanent damage to my system. Haven't gotten any bsods or lockups since, so that's good (had em atleast 3x a week before).