Anyone else worried that it...(gulp) might not be as good as we'd hoped? I'm not talking about the reasons cited above (DRM, no LAN support, etc.), just the game content itself.
What if the next three games turn out to be like the Star Wars prequels? Imagine the chaos. There will be a bloodbath civil war between SC fanboys that will threaten to shut down every gaming/tech forum north of Mexico! South Korea will have to be split in two -- again!!! Gaming journalist will herald the death of PC gaming and then start beating each other with their spiral-bound notebads (actually, I have no problem with this)! Blizzard release an SC2 console version... for the Wii!!! Activision Blizzard will commission Neversoft and Treyarch to make StarCraft: Ghost!!! Boby Kotick will displace Mike Morhaime!!! It will be mass hysteria!!!! You maniacs!!! You blew it!!!!
Oh, who I am kidding. It's going to great...