Now just giving a heads up to everyone, I am starting to work on updating our aging guide.
Definitely been needing a fresh coat of paint for a long while but i'd say it's stood up fairly well to the times being the fact that I made it in mid-2012 and only had a minor update in 2013 and it still pretty much relevant.
Anyways, this will probably take the course of multiple days as a lot of things will need to be done and I'm in the planning phase of how I want to go about it.
No timeline for any of these things being completed but it will be done eventually.
Just of list of what is happening:
Pruning old content
Adding new content
Fixing and/or updating old images
Changing directions and links with new website in mind.
"Possible" new guide *will be last thing done*
In case what your wondering about "new website" that I mentioned, if it flown under the radar for you like it has for me till today, F@H got a new website you can check out here.
The old site is still up but im not sure how long it will be up (probably only a few more months knowing the F@H group) so I'll be proactive and start linking everything there and changing the instructions reflecting that.
As for the new guide, it'll be the very last thing done and the old one wont go away (unless we really like the new one) but I wanted to try some new styles that could make it better. Like making the guide shorter without loosing any info (current guide is really long and involves a lot of scrolling even with linked table of contents at the top).
Although that's a more distant thing that'll probably wont even happen (or at least wont be finished) within this month.
Anyways, thought I would bring that up before I started doing mass changes.
Speaking of updating the guide.... EXT64, Mousemonkey, beanoslim, and Haserath. Are we still a Committee? I totally forgot about that we formed such a group till I looked at that section of our guide. :lol:
I certainly haven't been a great committee member if I just (for the most part) disappear for 3 years and then forget I was apart of one.