I find it interesting that everyone states how windows 8 should stay in the mobile market with tablets/phones etc etc. But as a system's administrator myself, I can't tell you how many people I have helped with touchscreen laptops with full rotating screens, or the rare but often used all-in-one-imac like-touchscreen desktop. I just setup a 20 computer law office with all Dell all-in-ones. One of them has windows 8 as a tester for the next 6 months and they prefer it over windows 7 so far.
I'm not saying it's for everyone. I'm a very avid gamer and I use windows 7 period. I will not be switching to windows 8 unless it's better in the ways I need it to be for gaming, and/or has the option to disable or fully uninstall metro UI.
All i'm saying really is, 80% of tom's members are computer gamers/enthusiasts. For us and our needs, windows 8 is kinda of, meh. Just understand however that there are many more needs out there. I can think of quite a few cases where Microsoft's vision/direction for windows 8 is a great idea. Just give them the benefit of the doubt and give the OS time to get finished, and a few months to mature before giving final judgement.
personally, the idea of having your phone/laptop/tablet/desktop all look and feel the same is great for users that hate change, like consistency, or are not too electronic literate. Think about it for a second. If you can teach you mom or dad or grandparents to use one device windows 8 based, then they can use all the devices I listed above easily! And if you keep them all synced with each other at all times, then getting to your data or just using your device will become much easier.
This is not for everyone, or for most of Tom's followers. But it is for the rest of the world.