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They claimed a performance penalty, but that's BS, there are plenty of tests out there that show FAH doesn't hurt performance one scrap, I guess it consumes some memory and the mass-spec software does tend to guzzle RAM. Still, not really my machines so I can't force 'em to run FAH.
Can you suggest that they get more RAM? (they should be able to write it off as a donation since they are facilitating research and donating CPU time, hell tell them to see if it would allow them to write off some of their power and cooling bills too. That may become a monitary motivation for doing good for man kind.)
Since your computer is going to be used anyway, you can at least feel good about it. Folding at Home has no (actually an impreseptable) effect on how your computer responds when you are using it. It always gets out of the way when you ask (or schedule) your machine to do something, and your machine may be the one to find the pice of data that allows a cure to alsimers, parkensons or ALS.

It is a great way to allow an investment you have already made give something back to the world. I look at it as a way to allow the power that my machine uses being on 24 hrs a day to actually do some good instead of just creating heat.
The beta has ben 5.91 for a long time but they have many versions of it. We are on 5.91 beta 9 right now and I noticed a difference in preformance when I switched to it on my Opteron 165 box.
i'll prolly join the team when i build a new pc, and prolly hook it up on my HTPC as well. I'll be using an HD 3870, anyone know if that is compatible? pm with response... i don't think i'll visit this post till after i get new pc. (would do it on mine now, but it has random shut downs and all sorts of problems from being too old) thing barely runs mythtv. haha.
cool, i lied, i did come back to this post cuz i got bored. Hmmm.. I think the new cards will be supported soon enough. with so many people buying them they are missing out on productivity and will eventually want to take advantage of that. Even intel/nvidia 'fanboys' are buying the 3850 and 3870 just because of sheer performance at a great price... on a side note, i think this boost in ati's cards and the recent better drivers are due to amd acquiring ati, and i'm all for it. I also think that soon we will see improvements in the phenom line... if they can't get it ino track within the next year they'll find another way to improve their proc lineup... they've already got the 790fx chipset which is supposed to be amazing. 😛

Nope... tried that... It's not called forum managment page either... or at least not that I can see!
anyone know how not to get bogged down by crap WU's?... i know some people block certain servers, but i'm not gonna do that... i've been getting screwed by the 2451-2453 range, i had a nice thing going on a hyperthreading cpu before this happened... any ideas?

and no, i didn't change any settings recently

and the forums have REALLY become pathetic...

Dump the P4 and dual cores and pick up a quad. I scrapped everything else (4 computers running pentium Ds and one p4 for 2 quads. Each Quad is more ppd than the other 9 cores combined and use 1/5 the power. You can either run 4 regular clients or the SMP. Either way, you will still tear up the "bad" work units in a fraction of the time. Ive got 2 quads running now and expect my PPD average to be just over 5,000 by Thursday. I'm adding a third Quad next weekend 😀 I am putting a core 2 duo in my media server that might get a client on one core. Should be 7800-8000ppd in 2 weeks on 3 1/2 machines.......while consuming less power than I was before. I have not given any effort to overclocking yet either.

P.S. Even the bad WU need some luvin. We need to plow thru the bad ones too.

If you are running 2-3+ P4 class machines 24/7, you can't afford not to upgrade, based on power consumption alone.

Q6600 $220 ($199 at microcenter this week)
mobo $30 to whatever you want for features, $50 or more for a decent board with integrated graphics.
2GB memory (if needed) $20

For less than $300 you can upgrade a complete system and get more points per Watt.