This cooling sufficient for AXP 2200?


Jul 13, 2004
I've got a Alpha 8045 heatsink with Panflo fan (sticker worn away, don't know specs) on an AMD Thunderbird 1 ghz, and a 42 CFM Panflo on the back of the case. Temperature is around 38 Celcius for the CPU and 21 for the ambient system according to the Bios, but it'll go higher during mid-summer and/or heavy load.

Can I put an Athlon XP 2200 in with this setup, or do I need additional cooling / better CPU fan? I'm not looking to do any overclocking.

This is the CPU I'm looking at.. $43, first result on pricewatch search for that processor, 93% positive feedback.

You can try it, it might be ok, as the 2200+ doesn't run that hot. If you aren't happy with the temps you can always go pick up something newer, even from a local computer store, you should have several choices between $10-$20 USD.

I'd say without overclocking you should be fine.

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Well those t-birds burnt a lot hotter than the althonXP chips. Could tryout that HSF and boot to your bios the check out the temps, add about 5-7c when loaded into windows. If its getting really close to 60c then yeah you need a better HSF.

<i><font color=red>Only an overclocker can make a computer into a convectional oven.</i></font color=red>