[SOLVED] Tower fans make a car-revving-like noise and power up and down seemingly at random

Aug 8, 2020
Sorry if this is the wrong place for questions, I'm new to the forums so I'd kindly ask to be pointed at the right place if I missed.

Anyways, I got this PC recently and cleaned it up since it probably wasn't cleaned since it was built, replaced the thermal paste, reinstalled Windows 10, all the good stuff. It tended to shut down and deadlock at random, but it's been doing it much less for a while now. The last couple of days, I've been playing Din's Curse for nostalgia's sake and my PC started shutting down every time i played it, which is odd since I've been playing The Witcher 3 on solid mid-high settings for a while now without issues. Turning it back on, I realized the fans no longer spin at 100% while starting up (which I at first thought nothing of) and that they started behaving erratically. What I mean is that they start spinning faster, then slow down, and then faster again. (link to video aka audio on google drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C3AD-OBjunJjAqRGt6iLqGapLl2-dYji/view?usp=sharing ). I suspect it's doing a heat shutdown due to summer temperatures and fan malfunction, but I have no clue where to start looking to get the fans acting normally again. I tried setting them all to 90% through Radeon Software thinking it's gonna help, but my PC shut down when I tried playing DC again. Later, it started shutting down while I was watching a show with only Opera being open. Really got no clue about what could cause this, so I'm hoping for any help or ideas. If need be I'll dig up whatever info about the machine I can. CPU temperature is at an average of 48°C while I'm writing this on Opera with nothing hefty in the background, 75° being the maximum and 36° being the minimum in the last 6 minutes of having hwinfo sensor status open.

AMD FX-6300 6 cores @ 3.50GHz
AMD Radeon Sapphire R7 265 Dual-X
14GB RAM (9.97GB usable)
Windows 10 Pro x64
I think you are throttling or shutting down because of heat.
FX processors run hot and do not tolerate heat well.
But if your motherboard does not have sufficient vrm cooling, you can have a problem there also.
Try taking the case covers off and direct a house fan at the innards.
See if that helps.

Today, I would not spend anything on upgrading parts to a FX system that can not be carried forward to a new build.
A stronger new gen processor, motherboard and 16gb ddr4 is on the order of $250.
I think you are throttling or shutting down because of heat.
FX processors run hot and do not tolerate heat well.
But if your motherboard does not have sufficient vrm cooling, you can have a problem there also.
Try taking the case covers off and direct a house fan at the innards.
See if that helps.

Today, I would not spend anything on upgrading parts to a FX system that can not be carried forward to a new build.
A stronger new gen processor, motherboard and 16gb ddr4 is on the order of $250.