Hey guys. I have been struggling with the research for finding the optimal networking/wifi setup. Because I currently reside in an approximately 3600 square feet house, I need a good setup that can reach very far. The problem is that I have no idea what combination of components I should purchase. From what I can see, mesh network routers seem to have their own separate flaws depending on the company and it's hard to determine which one is the least bad. I also don't really know if it would be better to get a modem with a router (or a combination, however, I heard that it's better to keep them separate) and then get a wifi extender, or even just get rid of the concept of increasing the wifi range with another component and instead opt for the Motorola MG7700 (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BRZ2KW5/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=A1JCDPLP2335KA&psc=1 ) which supposedly already has a decently long range which would save some hassle and money. Money is not really a big issue, but I would prefer something within reason. So what components do any of you recommend?
Thank you.
Thank you.