
Jun 12, 2010

I have a good system, running an i5-2500k, asus p8z68-v lx, a 7200RPM SATA Hard drive (black), a Cd/DVD burner, 2 fans and finnaly a cooler master eXtreme PowerPlus 600watt PSU.

The PSU only has 600 watts, and to be more specific, two 18A 12volt rails.

I returned my 6770, and am looking to buy an overclocked Radeon 6870 900m edition

I have a 400 watt Dell PSU from my old computer, I was considering using it to power the psu alone. Is that safe?

Is it even necessary? Can my PSU power all of that?

Finally, if its enough, how can i split up the rails?

That PSU, like most of the Extreme Power PSUs, is absolutely craptastic. At loads above 450W, there is real/significant risk of it failing and taking computer components with it.
That being said, your system load probably won't exceed 300W at full load even with an OC on CPU/GPU.
You should be ok, but I would personally replace that PSU.


Jun 12, 2010

That link isn't actually true.

If you look carefully, and compare there test to the labelled specs, hardware secrets is overloading the 12v rail. When they have under 18A on each rail (the labelled amperage) the PSu performs fine. Once they exceed the labelled wattage, the PSU overloads (obviously).

So the Hardware secrets article is only proving that this PSU cannot exceed the labelled wattages.




look honestly that is an UNDER PERFORMING psu. the 12 volt rails are under powered in balance with the rest of the rails (3.3 and 5 volt).

i should know i have a XP+ 700 in my rig right now and i won't trust it above 550 watts . . .

If you read and are able to understand the review you should have noticed;
Pg 5: 43 amps is theoretically possible
Pg 6: there is no OCP, this means no limit to the output other than what the internal components are capable of providing, go back to pg 5
18 amps per rail is just another lie on the label


Jun 12, 2010

The power supply can only deliver 18X2X12 on the 12 vrails. The test showed that the psu can deliver that, however it cannot exceed it. So to say the 12v rail is small for a 600 watt is true, but cooler master is not false advertising. The psu can deliver 600 watts, just not on the 12v alone

Is the 12v big enough for the 6970 900m OC card? thats my concern


you will be able to use the 6970 but please understand:
that is a horrible PSU! to fail @ 18.5 amps (one half of an amp of the rated spec) on the 12 volt rail you will be plugging that card into (12vb) is not desirable. c'mon! you talking just 6 watts!

Measured power consumption - 6870
Subjective measured GPU power consumption = ~ 141 Watts

and since 18*12=216 you will have 50 watts of "room" not counting your peripherals such as hard drives. though with two 6 pin connections that provide 75 watts each and 75 watts supplied by the pci-e slot, theoretically it can suck 225 watts; which is 9 more than a single rail can handle and we know it fails @ 6 watts over . . . my point? push that card and you CAN fail.

btw, DO NOT assume those two 6 pin pci connectors are on separate rails. the first one (12va) can very easily be wired to the 12 volt in the 24 pin mortherboard connection only . . .

On top of this great point you have to consider when dealing with a company that lies and makes terrible products with poor quality, just because hardware secrets got 18.5A on one unit doesn't mean that's the average. or that YOU WILL GET THAT FROM YOURS.

You can gamble your entire system if you want. or spend 50 or 60 bucks on a decent PSU. When everyone tells you the same thing you should listen. Its not an insult to you. MOST people don't know better when they start building. I personally have got a dead rosewill from before their quality went up and a raidmax(face palm) running a router box when it couldnt provide its rated for my rig.

Heck my first PSU in 2003 was a $20 "500W". shudder. never failed but geez. you can ignore the pro reviews and good advice but its gonna bite you.


Jun 12, 2010

I get what your saying 110%. I eventually will upgrade my PSU, but right now thats out of the picture. I will probably upgrade it in two years when the warranty ends. If i had the money, i would get a new one now, but i dont.

My PSU was able to power my 6770 perfectly. I returned the 6770, and i need a bit more GPU power. Thats why i looked at the 6870 900m OC edition.

Thats my main concern, whether it can power that card and still have a tad of power left, or if i have to default to a 7770. CM said i can easilly power the 6870, but i wanted a second opinion.

I get it that my PSU isn't the best quality, I'm not denying that. Im also not ignoring people. But wether my PSU is good is irrelevant, because i know its inferior. The concern is wether 2 12v 18a is enough to power this system.

Thanks for all you advice sofar

Like I said, you have to be able to understand what you are reading

The label claims 2x18a and doesn't give a combined max, normally these wouldn't be additive, it's very seldom that a psu can output the combined rating of the rails
We know from the review that the components are capable of producing 43a of 12v power
We also know from the review that there is no OCP monitoring
If there was the psu would have shut itself down when either of the virtual 12v rails was taken beyond it's labeled 18a rating
It didn't, in good quality power supplies that's generally considered a good thing
It did deliver 41 amps combined from both of the virtual rails, just not in spec, and burned when they tried for the 43a that the components are capable of

No-one claimed it could deliver all of it's power on the 12v, 43a is only 514w

It's a lousy power supply, but it's capable of powering a 6870 ( power for the card will be drawn from both rails ), if you choose to use it, it's your choice


Jun 12, 2010
Ok thanks everyone for your help. I think I've made my descision.

Im going to contact Cooler Master, and ask them if i can upgrade the PSU to a GX or Silent Pro series. Im going to push hard for it, and il top up the diffrence.

Next, il try to return it to Tigerdirect. The problem is i bought it about 50 days ago, and i sent in the barcode for a rebate :(

Lastly, Il just suck it up and buy a good PSU. I've decided it's not worth the problems, especially for a computer that has to last over 5 years. Il bite the bullet myself with some of my Grad Money. My parents will probably be mad, but whatever.

I think its better to be safe than sorry. This does mean i will be broke by the end (as im buying thermal paste, the 6870, a monitor and now a power supply)

I can still use the old power supply for another purpose. I could probably give it to my Grandpa when i build hic computer, because he probably wont use more than 300 watts, and the PSU will be more then adequate for that purpose (unless you think its too inferior for even an extremly light 300 watt computer)

As for the PSU, is this a good one?

It looks like a good price, but i want you opinions.

Thanks so MUCH!