Unigine Valley 1.0 Benchmark Thread

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There is a new Unigine Benchmark: Valley 1.0

Looks to be more on the side of nvidia currently. Run it on the ExtremeHD preset and post your best score...

Here is the format for a valid post.

[Username] - [CPU @ Speed in GHz] - [Type of GPU(s) @ Core Speed / Memory Speed] - [Average FPS] - [Score]
[Screenshot of in Bench with Settings]


stickg1 - 3570K @ 4.8GHz - 7970 @ 1265/1800 - 49.4 - 2067
rdc85 - pII 955BE @3.8 - R7870 @1200 / 1360 - 31.6 - 1324

pic .... (extreme HD)

edit: OOT, It seems O.C. memory too high had negative effect on minimum fps and overall score with my card..(even it stable and cold)
can anyone confirm it?
Hey nitrium! Thanks for following the submission format! Something is wrong though your card should get 35-40FPS in this benchmark. Reset any forced settings in catalyst control center and give the PC a reboot and try to minimalize any background processes.
I'm getting about half of kingnoobe crossfire 6970 score. Isn't that about right? It seems pretty consistent, and I ran it a bunch of times. Closed most background apps/virus scanners etc I'm pretty sure.

No, your 7950 should get you much more than that. Your 7950 is 50% faster than a single 6970, and thats being generous to the 6970. Your score should be in the 35-42 region. What drivers are you running? Do you have any profiles set for certain games? Some people set max AA in games through CCC and it messes with benchmarks like this. If this isn't the case I highly recommend a driver cycle. Uninstall, reboot, clean registry with CCleaner, install newest BETA drivers, reboot.

Can you run some other benchmarks for us so we can see if its a problem with this specific bench or a problem with drivers/card?

3Dmark11, Unigine Heaven 3.0, etc..
Ok, I did have some "override application settings" set in Catalyst Control Centre. I have set everything back to default settings. Score did go up (by about 10%), but presumably this is still not enough?

I'm running latest AMD beta drivers BTW.
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