There is to be a new card released this spring (according to the 'noise'), but no one knows what it is. A cheaper P650-class card? Another Parhellia on a PCI-EX bus (not that it needs it), a Parhellia 2 (code named Pitou, IIRC) is another posibility, there's been buzz but no more info other than the codename, could even be a better or cheaper version of the HR256 with different features.
There is less info leak from Matrox than any of the Big Boys who benifit much more from anticipation.
I'm hoping for something in the Parhelia line, but I highly doubt it will have any gaming focus considering they let go their game relations staff, and have focused away from gaming. Their only way to get back on track IMO would be to go after the high end Workstation market for 3D (going up against the FirGL, Wildcat and Quadro lines) and then take any success/R&D there with them to re-enter the gaming market. However I don't see that happening any time soon (the market is begining to get even more cutthroat with the Addition of S3, XGI, and PowerVR).
We'll have to wait it seems.
As for the monitors, the IBM is VERY sweet, I've used one at the Univ. (and requested one from T&O at work when they used to be $20,000 just for the rejection letter explaining why my ergonomics concerns didn't justify the expense), and now they're only $7,000 CDN IBM employee price, SchweEet!
Refresh is not their focus. You'd be able to get by easily on 15fps or less with those. The main thing is scaling. I'd love to have one (I run my P260 here at work at max 1920x1440x32@75fps).
EDIT: BTW, not afraid to admit it, just doing so for full disclosure. Staunch supporter!
- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by TheGreatGrapeApe on 01/08/04 12:52 PM.</EM></FONT></P>