Question Unstable CPU performance. Games stutter frequently


Mar 26, 2016
In recent weeks, I've noticed that my CPU has been running irregularly with its performance. I first noticed it when playing games like Mass Effect: Andromeda, Battlefield 1 and Forza Horizon 4, where the game would freeze for a short period of time and/or stutter. Even when lowering games down to low, the framerate stays high but it still stutters, confirming that it's indeed my CPU being limited. I have not installed any malicious software in recent weeks, I've check for the connection on the mobo and GPU and checked for any viruses but still nothing.

System Specs:
CPU: Ryzen 3 2200G @4.0GHz
RAM: 4GB x 2 Crucial - Ballistix Sport LT DDR4-2400
GPU: Gigabyte RX 570 Gaming 4GB
PSU: Corsair - CXM (2015) 450 W 80+ Bronze
Storage: PNY - CS900 120 GB (SSD) & Seagate - Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM (HDD)