
Jul 2, 2010
I have a P4 630, 800 FSB processor in an Asus P5WD2 Premium motherboard. The MB specs say that i can upgrade to a duo core chip. My question is what processors can i upgrade too that are drop in/plug and play !. I have been looking around the net for awhile and found on the Asus site some compatible chips, but need to real world input from someone that has done this with the same MB.

The best you can do with that mobo is the Pentium D 960 with BIOS rev. 0709 or 0801, depending on which revision of 960 it is.

You will almost certainly have to upgrade the BIOS, regardless of which Pentium D you get (which IS the Dual Core CPU you're looking for, if you're wondering), so it won't be a simple "plug and play" affair.

There are NO Pentium D's that don't require a BIOS update of some kind on that board, so you'll have to see what BIOS revision you have and check the support list to see which revision is required for the CPU you want. If the BIOS revision you have is new enough, it MIGHT be possible to just "drop it in", but since you're running a P4...


Jan 16, 2006
They havent made cpu's that are compatable for that board for years. I doubt if you will be able to even find one new, maybe used on ebay though. The best you can get would be a pentium D but as far as just dropping it in, that would depend on your bios version.
With the best chip on the list, it would still be significantly slower than any modern dual core chip
The best you can do with that mobo is the Pentium D 960 with BIOS rev. 0709 or 0801, depending on which revision of 960 it is.

You will almost certainly have to upgrade the BIOS, regardless of which Pentium D you get (which IS the Dual Core CPU you're looking for, if you're wondering), so it won't be a simple "plug and play" affair.

There are NO Pentium D's that don't require a BIOS update of some kind on that board, so you'll have to see what BIOS revision you have and check the support list to see which revision is required for the CPU you want. If the BIOS revision you have is new enough, it MIGHT be possible to just "drop it in", but since you're running a P4 now, I highly doubt it has new enough revision BIOS.

Also, good luck finding ANY CPU you're looking for. eBay is gonna be your best bet because new will not be possible.


Jan 16, 2006

No answer can be given as far as what will just "drop in" because we dont know what bios version you have. We are volunteering our time to try to help people, sorry you didnt like my answer but you can kiss my ass bluedragon... I'll post the answer I think is appropriate!
Jeez some people, ask for help you are given an honest answer, cause its old crap and you respond with that bluedragon? Glad I didnt take my time to research something you can do yourself, since im assuming you have Google, which anyone who woulda answered you, woulda used.


Jul 2, 2010
To DJDeCiBeL, thanks for the input.

To GI Jane, if you had posted the below in your first post, that would have made helped, "No answer can be given as far as what will just "drop in" because we dont know what bios version you have.", but instead you decided to attack me because i couldn't find the answer, I was looking for. So you just wasted my time and your time. To others, asking for a response to a question that i did search on Google and the ASUS website but still couldn't figure out which processor, is not rude it's what this site is for??? Right?


Jan 16, 2006

go away my first answer I did state no one could tell without knowing your bios version, and also stated a pentiumD was the best you can get. I'm sorry your reading comprehension skills are not up to par. Yes we are here to help, but no one owes you an answer... and once again kiss my ass..go get an education so you can understand what you are reading..quit relying on people to do things for you..especially since you dont appreciate it anyways.. I know I used a couple of big words there...maybe someone will google them for you and explain what they mean.