Thanks for the info everyone, its really kool that all you guys are helping me out, another question, what would a CPU upgrade involve? Sounds a little advanced?
Also, maybe I should tell you part of the reason I want to upgrade, I got this computer two years ago and have played quite a few games on it (Hitman BM, Splinter Cell 1,2,3,4 Half Life 2 Crysis, Condemned, S.T.A.L.K.E.R etc etc) and they all played ok, except for a few odd crashes. Recently, however, I got Bioshock and it seemed to play allright for a while and then the screen would just freeze after about 5 mins of play, even if the game was paused or all the graphical settings were turned down. Sometimes, the screen will turn itself off for about 10 seconds then come back on and the game plays for another 5 mins, sometimes it does the black screen thing and when it comes back, the system exits the game and there's an ATi message saying that the VPU has recovered, I know this is part of CCC and can be turned on and off. Then sometimes it will just plain old hang the system and I have to restart the computer to solve it, which is bad for it I guess, so I';d prefer not to have to!
I've updated to CCC 9.3 and fiddled with the CCC settings and tried the built in overclocking but to no avail. The only thing that works for sure is turning the hardware acceleration down a coupla notches on the windows display properties>settings>advanced>troubleshoot tab and that's not an ideal solution since it makes the games freeze for a coupla seconds every 10 seconds! Which is annoying when im playing Mirrors Edge and trying to jump from one train to another!
Phew, that was a long rant, hope it didn't bore the crap outta anyone! Basically, my games keep making the Graphics Card do a VPU recover and I can't find a solution except to lower the hardware acceleration of the whole computer! D'oh!
any help appreciated