Build Advice UPGRADE help?


Aug 19, 2017
I currently run
CPU - 6700K temps around 25c idle and 56-60c underload
MOBO - Gigabyte g1 gaming
H150i cooler
RAM - 32gb g.SKILL 3200
GPU - RTX 2070

Im a Video Colorist (work in resolve). Im currently having terrible play back on my time line (4k footage) I feel as if this should be a fine set up to run but it looks like its not.
my question is should i upgrade my CPU/MOBO to something else Or would it be more of a HDD situation to where i would just need to get faster hdd or switch to fully SSD's
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I think that setup should be more than enough for video editing, it could be an issue with resolve itself or the encoding settings. Also not sure how much it affects video editing but what hard drive do you have?
I think that setup should be more than enough for video editing, it could be an issue with resolve itself or the encoding settings. Also not sure how much it affects video editing but what hard drive do you have?
256gb Adata SSd
3tb WD RED
3tb WD Blue
4tb WD Blue
1tb WD Blue

I believe ill be home later tonight and get the exacts
256gb Adata SSd
3tb WD RED
3tb WD Blue
4tb WD Blue
1tb WD Blue

I believe ill be home later tonight and get the exacts

Another thing, Is your OS/Resolve installed on the SSD and if not are they on separate drives? I'm not 100% sure but if data is being transferred between the SSD and HDD while resolve is in use, then the Hard drive could be a bottleneck. This would probably be even more prominent if stored on a red/blue disk as blue is general purpose and RED optimized for NAS. Not that they're necessarily slow but definitely slower than an SSD and perhaps not optimal for video editing. Again i'm not sure how much of an affect Hard disk speed would have on video editing software but your system really should handle any type of editing so it's worth looking at before trying an upgrade especially seen as better components than you already have will be quite a big expense.