
Oct 8, 2009
Hey guys. I'm using a really old crap computer with Windows XP, and recently it decided to not like USB devices anymore.

I get the "Unknown USB Device" error bubble from the taskbar, saying there are errors with any USB device I plug in, in any port. The weird thing is, my USB mouse still works, and continues to work in any port.

I really don't want to post specs. It's an incredibly old piece of trash, I know that it has <1GB RAM, and a AMD 2000+ Processor (or something to that effect).

Any ideas on how to get the ports working again? All help is appreciated, thanks!


Oct 8, 2009

Nope, I've been running it for close to a year. Chipset drivers are a good idea, but this thing's so old, I'm worried I might have some difficulty locating them. The USB ports don't have their own drivers, do they?
No they are included in the chipset drivers package.

Is this a new problem or something that has always been there and just never bothered with it?

In device manager I am guessing there is a yellow question mark. If there is what category is it under and how many yellow question marks are there.


Oct 8, 2009

It's a new problem.

The errors in the device manager only show up when I plug something in, oddly enough. The ports are recognized and show up fine in Device Manager.


Jan 23, 2010
I have had a VERY similar problem with a VERY similar POS, only mine is an XP2100+. In my case, my mobo is an 07D0h which came from Compaq with an open PCI slot 1, a network card ( lookslike one phone jack in, one phone jack out ) in PCI slot 2 and a 1394a card with 2 ports ( which also connects the 2 front USB 1.0 ports and a front 1394 port ) in slot 3. A few years after I got this thing, I installed a USB 2.0 HUB card in the open PCI slot 1 and NEVER had any problems. That all changed when I decided to install a second card in the slot that the network card was in. This card was called a HOST CONTROLLER CARD. Whether that makes a difference or not, I'm not sure, but, after I installed it, all heck broke loose. Everything from system freezes, to devices not being recognized, to working for a while then stopping and a mirad of other bizzar and infuriating behaviors. Odder still, as long as there is nothing plugged into the card in slot 2, everything functions normally regardless of what card is plugged into slot 1. I even had another HOST CONTROLLER card in slot 2 with the same results. What I think what might be going on in my case is that the drivers for the network card may be interfering with the USB drivers when I install a USB card into where the network card used to be. The trouble is, I'm not sure how to get rid of the drivers for a network card that isn't there since it originaly came directly from Compaq. Help from Compaq you say?? Faggettaboutit! They were useless-told me to see an authorized tech. Yea....right!! Anyway, my conclusion is, my mobo won't support the bandwidth of 8 USB 2.0 devices. And for those of you reading this thinking " time for a new computer ", please contact me and have a check written for the amount of $1,200 at the ready. :D