Using old speakers in a new reciever

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Oct 23, 2011
Hello everyone. First time here, and I hope this question is pretty straightforward.

I've just bought a new Sony receiver for my home theatre set up, and instead of shelling out another couple hundred quid for a new set of speakers, I was planning on using the brilliant speakers from my old Phillips DVD/receiver.

The new receiver is the Sony STRDH510:
The old one is a Phillips HTS3357:

Here's my question:

The Phillips subwoofer connects to the old receiver using two bare wires. The new receiver has a subwoofer jack. If I connect the bare speaker wires to an RCA plug, will the subwoofer work? Also, anyone know how to connect bare speaker wires to an RCA plug?

Cheers all. :)
Looking at the PDF for that receiver, it doesn't have speaker terminals for a subwoofer.
So you need a separate amp for the subwoofer if it doesn't have a built in amp.

That is what the subwoofer(jack) out is to send a signal to a powered subwoofer or amp for the subwoofer.

You can probably use the Phillips as your amp. Subwoofer out(Sony) to a audio in on the Phillips and connect the subwoofer to the Phillips.
Looking at the PDF for that receiver, it doesn't have speaker terminals for a subwoofer.
So you need a separate amp for the subwoofer if it doesn't have a built in amp.

That is what the subwoofer(jack) out is to send a signal to a powered subwoofer or amp for the subwoofer.

You can probably use the Phillips as your amp. Subwoofer out(Sony) to a audio in on the Phillips and connect the subwoofer to the Phillips.
Interesting. In the interests of keeping things clean (and being able to dump the old phillips), I should probably just buy a powered subwoofer though, right? Or live without for now :/

Thanks for the reply. :)
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