V3000 keyboard removal...


Oct 29, 2006
hey guys - got an easy one for you, i hope... lol

My screen has been having some issues, and it's an aftermarket screen I installed about 10 months ago. It's been fine up until about 3 months ago. It is flickering, but if you tap up in front of the keyboard a little, it will start working. I am assuming a loose connection, so I was going to tear it down and check it all out.

Problem is, i can't figure out how to get the damn keyboard off again. I looked at the disassembly manual (supplied below for your convenience) and it says to move the keyboard up towards the display, then pull it back over the touchpad. I can not get the thing to come loose for the life of me. I've had it apart before, so I know I can do it, I just need a little reminder.


Another thing, which could make everything above useless... I sent my computer off to HP sometime last year to get another MoBo, keyboard, and odd, free of charge. can i ask them if i can send it back, and them fix the screen, saying it started about the time i got it back from them? or will they even deal with it since it's an aftermarket screen?

Thanks guys!




Jun 25, 2005
Have you removed the screws from the bottom side? Press the front of the kb down, then slide it forward.


Oct 29, 2006
I've got the three from underneath the battery. I will mess around with it some more tomorrow, I just wanted to get another opinion before I broke it. I thought maybe the Tear-Down manual forgot a step or something, from what I remember they did leave out a few steps in the r3000 manual.