[SOLVED] Video/Audio glitches after PC got too hot

Mar 25, 2019

I've build my first PC in december (Mini ITX, Asrock, Z390 I7-8700, 16gig Ram, AMD RX 580). The Mini ITX case is stored in a media furniture and is used for both HTPC as light gaming PC.
Normally when we game, we open the furniture door so the pc can "breathe". With AC Odessey set to high level, both Videocard and Processor temps are about 50-60 degrees. Never had any problems.

Last week the door got closed while gaming (accidentele) and I heard someting was not quite right. Stopped gaming asap and let the PC cool down outside.
After cooling down the pc started up like it should be. But now when gaming, sometimes the screen lags and the audio drops with it. For about 1 second. Then he repeates this after 5 seconds.
Sometimes we can play without the PC is doing this. Sometimes he does sometimes he doens't.

I can't seem to figure out what hardware has been damaged because of the temperature damage.
I did a processor test and that seems fine. I also did a RAM memory test with a usb stick. No errors there.

How can I test my video card? or my PSU?
My PSU (crosair 450W) in bios shows normal voltages (12V, 5V ...). I don't have a extra video card or pc to swap my video card with.

Do you guys need some more info or lists? Just tell me ...
I would like to be sure what causes the problem before I order a new video card, PSU or ram ...

Kind Regards Ben
A CX450W is a little light for a system with a RX580.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $79.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-25 08:43 EDT-0400

Dark lord,

I understand that you say this. We didnt had any problems with our PSU before the PC got too hot and pcbuilder and all PSU websites claimed that my pc build only needed a 450W PSU. So as I understand your reply, and I doubt about the PSU too, my question is, are you sure the glitches are produced by the PSU and not by the graphic card or ram?