A few months ago on the early morning news I heard that the price of the Vista operating systems were going to drop to @ $30 - $80 dollars being that Windows 7 was due to be released soon. I can't remember exactly how low the price range would be but it sure was not the $200 we paid for Vista home premium 64 bit. The reason I ask is because my friend changed his password and can't remember it. He's trying to use Ophcrack after we burned it to a cd but now his computer won't even boot up at all, the green light is running but absolutely nothing on the screen, he is more of an advanced user if not expert but he is getting frustrated and questioning just buying another Vista OS. I told him I am positive about what I heard on the news about the price drop but can't seem to find who has vista for these reduced prices. He shops with you guys whenever he needs things so I figured I'd just ask and see what advice you might have. Thanks!