Ok i got wake on wan to work....by using dd-wrt on wndr3700 router
set up wol in the firmware....
Enable WOL on the Computer
1. On the LAN adapter of the computer (physical ethernet adapter, WOL does not work over wireless connections!), choose Properties/Configure.
2. Power Management tab (far right). Check the second and third boxes to enable WOL. Press OK until you are back at Network Connections. Now the computer can normally be started from Hibernate, Standby, or PowerOff modes via a special management packet.
3. Get ready to test your set-up by using a utility like WOL Magic Packet Sender http://magicpacket.free.fr/ (free). Install it on both the computer you are using and a second PC on the same physical LAN.
4. On the WOL computer, open WOL Magic Packet and on the Receive tab, click the green Start button.
5. On the second computer, open WOL Magic Packet and on the Send tab, put in:
1. IP Address of WOL computer for Host Name
2. for Subnet Mask (select from drop-down)
3. MAC address of LAN adapter on WOL computer. Use the command 'ipconfig /all' if you don't know what this is.
6. Click the green Send button. The WOL computer should respond with a pop-up box showing a packet was received.
Remote Wake On LAN via Port Forwarding
To remotely wake up a computer over the Internet using Wake On LAN- follow these instructions:
1 - Create a port forward rule on the Web Interface (Applications & Gaming -> Port Range Forward) to the chosen ip:
wol | 9 | 9 | udp | | x
* Here, 9 is the default, but you can use any port number so long as your client wake-up application can talk to a port other than 9. Consider that most WOL services will use either UDP port 7 or 9.
2 - Add a static ARP entry by typing the following two lines into the Web Interface Administration -> Commands section and save with Save Startup.
ip neigh change lladdr [MAC address to wake] nud permanent dev br0
ip neigh add lladdr [MAC address to wake] nud permanent dev br0
3 - Reboot router, or execute the startup commands manually.
* To wake your computer from the internet using the DD-WRT device DynDNS name (or if you know it, the public IP of the router), try one of the following services;
1. Mestrona's online WOL. You need to forward port 9 udp in step one, to use this service.
2. Remote Wake-On-LAN. Seems to work both on ports 7 and 9 and allows WOL by a single URL of the form:
3. To use the WOL Magic Packet application from a second PC:
1. Host Name: DynDNS name of your DD-WRT device.
2. Subnet Mask:
3. MAC Address: WOL computer MAC address, not the DD-WRT MAC.
4. Click the green Send button.