Too many camps hating the other camps. TH got the message ppl.... offered an excuse... excuse ignored or in just a few instances, attacked as it was considered lame.
Should this article have been published sooner? Considering, yes.
Considering WHEN it was finally published, should the FF4 final date have been known? yes.
Considering WHEN it was finally published, notations made about how soon FF4 was going to be released? yes.
Considering WHEN it was finally published, should it have been postponed another week? Many here think so.
Now, Opera, I like it, I tell it to report back as Opera, unfortunately some sites want to treat it as if it had less users than it does and thus don't even try to make their sites Opera Friendly. (it IS in the big-5 developers!)
Now FireFox, I like it too, FF4 is taking some getting used to since the interface has changed...
Now IE9, I gave up on IE since IE6 (its vulnerabilities, and failure to meet W3C standards) and had grabbed FF and Opera, I only use it when I absolutely need to. (I do use IE for dev testing or sites too narrow minded to want to see any other browser tho.)
Chrome? not my cup of tea considering the questions of privacy that still are floating about concerning it. So, just a dev test use.
Safari? Haven't really used it that much... just mostly keep it around for Dev testing.
RockMelt? Haven't heard of it until someone (magnushegge) mentioned it... So I don't even know how big or small the following is compared to the others.
IMHO, bad decisions have been made here in the thread, and I would say some have been made in the article too... does that mean the rest of TH is full of bad decisions? I'll decide that as the issue comes up.
@TH, I forget now what all is tested, but a solid suite of tests need to be solidified that make sure all browsers meet standards, in addition to known vulnerability testing (at least noting where a new version supposedly plugs old ones) and memory use and release. It seems there are more tests out there that might be worth a better look.
EVERYONE ELSE: I can't say what the motivations of the publish date was, but at least some of the manufacturer reviews clue us in on who sponsored them, right in the title.