Question Website(s?) won't load on pc but do on other devices


Mar 7, 2013
the website I've tried loading that refuses to load on only my pc is and any page that belongs to that domain/main.

google, youtube, facebook, twitter, gmail, all work properly.

I've updated my LAN driver via my motherboard's website, I've put both DNS' IPv4 and 6 to Google's one, I've cleared my google chrome's cache, I've checked if javascript was enabled and I've flushed the ipconfig command.

Please help 🙁

Edit: I pinged the website on cmd, and it connected with 46ms ping average max and min, and had zero packet loss, might as well verify that yes, I'm on a cabled connection.
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connect to a modem/router? someone blocking you?
it seems that when I connect to gamepedia... for some stupid but replicable reason, it makes me able to access I've done it 3 times so far, and it has worked every time...

I only have a modem, I've only connected to it via cable on my pc. Well, how do I check if someone is blocking me?

Edit.: to be more specific I access, again I don't know why, but it's working, I can post screenshots if need be
it seems that when I connect to gamepedia... for some stupid but replicable reason, it makes me able to access I've done it 3 times so far, and it has worked every time...

I only have a modem, I've only connected to it via cable on my pc. Well, how do I check if someone is blocking me?

Edit.: to be more specific I access, again I don't know why, but it's working, I can post screenshots if need be

That sounds like it could be a DNS issue. By "ip config flush thing", are you referring to ipconfig /flushdns? I suppose there could be a small chance that there is an entry in the HOSTS file although I find it pretty unlikely. If you have access to the router you could login and poke around. (Unless you aren't comfortable and then you could give your ISP a ring if they support the router.
That sounds like it could be a DNS issue. By "ip config flush thing", are you referring to ipconfig /flushdns? I suppose there could be a small chance that there is an entry in the HOSTS file although I find it pretty unlikely. If you have access to the router you could login and poke around. (Unless you aren't comfortable and then you could give your ISP a ring if they support the router.
yup that's the cmd I did, how do I access the HOSTS file and the modem via cable?
Did it, still won't connect to wikia.fandom domain...

To make a quick list of things I've done:

Both Mozilla, Edge, Chrome Portable aren't able to connect too;
I've done the flush and netsh int ip reset commands;
I've Reset Google Chrome;
I've done a malware scan and never meddled with my firewall or gotten 3rd party software related remotely to it;
Mozilla does not report any Network Errors on F12;

So far the only fix (which might I add I HAVE NO IDEA WHY IT EVEN WORKS) is connecting to, then accessing ANY of their wikis, opening a new tab and then going to ANY fandom.wikia and it opens and fixes it for 30ish minutes.

Please, for the love of god, how the heck is this even fixing it and how is this happening only on my PC.
Nevermind, guess the fix was still in effect.... is back to not being able to access unless I do the fix.... omfg.... this is so annoying.

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