[WFB] Hits from warmachines and wardsaves



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Hi all,
thanks for the swift answers to my last rules inquiry. This time I
wonder what to do with warmachines(and other stuff that causes a varying
number of hits). The rules say that a wounding hit from a warmachine
causes(like stonethrowes, cannons) cause a varying amount of wounds.
Models with only one wound recieve only one wound(naturally). I wonder
how to interpret the rules when W1 models, having a wardsave are
wounded. The two interpretations I can think of are as follows:

A/ The models struck recieves one wound each since they only have one
wound(period). The wound is then subject to the wardsave.

Ex: A unit of Savage Orcs with warpaint recive 10 S5 hits from a
stonethrower resulting in 7 wounds. The Orcs save 2 of the wounds with
their 6+ WSv. Total: 5 dead savage orcs.

B/ The number of wounds are randomized for each model since they can
recieve more that one wound and still survive(via the wardsave). A given
model needs to save the amount of wounds it has recieved to survive.

Ex: A unit of Brettonian Knights Errant havning the Blessing of the lady
recieve 4 S10 Hits from a cannon, all of which wound. For each model a
D3 is rolled determining the number of wounds. 1 2 2 3 is rolled. The
first model attempts to save the one wound, with a WSv of 5+, and
succeds, the second saves both the wounds(Weeha). The third model save
one but not the other wound and the last one saves none and is utterly
squished so model three and four die. Total: 2 dead Knights Errant.

Any input?

//Mattias Aldaron

P.S. If the woodchuck rears it's head this time I'll chop it off :)

Sigblock empty. By choice.


Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

"Mattias Aldaron" <morphriz@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> thanks for the swift answers to my last rules inquiry. This time I wonder
> what to do with warmachines(and other stuff that causes a varying number
> of hits). The rules say that a wounding hit from a warmachine causes(like
> stonethrowes, cannons) cause a varying amount of wounds. Models with only
> one wound recieve only one wound(naturally). I wonder how to interpret the
> rules when W1 models, having a wardsave are wounded. The two
> interpretations I can think of are as follows:
> A/ The models struck recieves one wound each since they only have one
> wound(period). The wound is then subject to the wardsave.
> Ex: A unit of Savage Orcs with warpaint recive 10 S5 hits from a
> stonethrower resulting in 7 wounds. The Orcs save 2 of the wounds with
> their 6+ WSv. Total: 5 dead savage orcs.

this is correct. you never roll for multiple wounds against models which
only have 1 wound to begin with.