What Game Would You Make?


Jan 24, 2012
I'd love to see a system where a load of people could pay into a scheme and get a specific game made by a professional studio. I'd definitely go for a Fallout 3 style zombie RPG. Any thoughts?


Apr 29, 2011
+1 to the fallout 3 style game .... hopefully there will be a fallout 4!
I would also like to make a sandbox sci-fi game where the world was populated with super powered beings, combinations of advanced tech, aliens and alien dna type stuff and you could build your character up buy buying augmentations and mix and matching powers.


Feb 6, 2012
I'd like to buy out Treyarch and get them to a zombie game.

Complete with a full story and a survival mode like in their recent Cod's, only up the player max from four to about ten.

Gothams Finest

Sep 15, 2011
This is something I've dreamed about, being rich enough to make your own ideal game.

1) A third person shooter as Boba Fett.

2) Survial horror/FPS Jurassic Park game.

3) An epically large Skyrim style RPG set in the Star Wars universe with hundreds of planets to explore (each planet the size of Skyrim)


Dec 23, 2011

TDU 2 stand for Test Drive Unlimited 2, check it out here. The story isn't first class and it's a little buggy, but i enjoyed it. Still, no Porsches, though... Damn you, EA!



Jan 24, 2012
I'm probably being niave, but does anyone think that in the future there may be like a co operative professional game studio where like minded people who want to see a certain game made can "buy a share" i.e. 10,000 people paying E100 each... The people who pay in can get the game free & maybe share in the profits, which could be reinvested in more games... I'm after a few pints, so I'm probably being too idealist!


Jan 24, 2012

Really? I personally think that having 10 players would ruin it. Nazi zombies isnt a survival horde mode game like left 4 dead etc. Its a strategic game that works well with 4 players


Oct 14, 2011
I will tell you what I think would be awesome. But before I do, I want to point out that I absolutely have no sympathy for these monsters, and in no way would I desire to see them glorified. I despise everything they stand for, but...

...I do think the following would be a very cool game, as well as educational. It would force people to think; force them to face unpleasant truths and evaluate their world. But allow them to have an absolute blast doing it.

I would like a World War 2 strategy game where you get to play as the Nazis and see if you can succeed where Hitler failed.

When do you invade Poland, if at all?

Do you ally yourself with Italy and Japan?

Do you declare war on the USA the day after Pearl Harbor?

Do you really want to break your peace pact with Stalin and fight a war on two fronts?

In this game, you would get to raise up awesome SS soldiers, research genetics, build a genome army/master race. And, eventually rule the world and build wonders, if you succeed.

You would also have to manage POW camps and concentration camps. And if you begin a genocidal campaign, you better keep the propaganda wheel rolling lest the german people get wind of such evil doings and backlash!

Pretty much just incorporate every facet of the Nazis regime into a real time and turn based strategy game. The goal of the game would be the creation of a thousand year Reich, with end game elements that are akin to ANNO 2070.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of politically correct butthurts running around - no chance a game like that gets made.


Jan 24, 2012

That is a really good idea :)

That is a really


Oct 14, 2011

Not at all, it's a good idea.

Jedi Mind Trick

Jan 27, 2011

I have been dreaming about something like this for years.


Jun 18, 2011
COmbat is getting incredibly stale to me in video games recently that I quit playing some games months ago like skyrim and until I learned how to chain attacks in the witcher 2 I had given up on that game too, every attack was the same no different animations for critical hits, no more chaining attacks like the previous witcher or increased speed from chaining,and god almighty i hated the same attack animations and no way to get to the stronger attacks by timing button presses so you have to push the same button six, or seven times to get to the cool attack animatons (this really made the combat a bore) and i hated the roll mechanic when we needed a timed dodge mechanic, and for skyrim the combat was unbalanced and just so simple and boring that I couldn’t play it and still don’t play it.

I have some good ideas for a sword combat system that will make a great game and that will stand the test of time. My idea is instead of the two buttons for attacking with sword you use the analog stick (if using gamepad) or you press a mouse button and pull the mouse to the left or right depending on where you want the attack to go. This combat system is somewhat like the optional system on dead island, or alot like EA's skate games.

Now im going to go in depth on how you can use the gamepad: say you have a sword in your right hand, and your enemy has a sword in his right hand and its positioned to his right more then in the center, the logical and more effective strike would be to attack from your right side, to his left side since he doesnt have a sword or shield on that side of his body. The way you would do this is:

-By pressing the right trigger to activate the sword mechanic then using the right analog stick, pull from right then push to left and depending oh how far to the right you pulled, the attack would either be a strong attack or a light attack.

-And i would also like alot of different animations or better yet a system where depending on the exact direction (X-axis, Y-axis) the analog stick is pulled, the attacks would directly correlate in-game on where to swing and hit.

-So^^^ if i pull the analog stick to the diagonal right and then over to diagonal left the attack would hit his knees, and if much higher i could hit him in the belly or the head

-We would also need attacks starting from above the head and down, then attacks from below the midsection and up

-Also^^^a system where after your sword swings from right to left, your body and sword stay in that position for a while bcuz of momentum, so then you would have to make an attack using the same method, except reverse pull from left, then push to right or you would just wait till you regain footing and default stance which wouldn't take long but this gives you an opportunity to chain attacks with momentum or do spin attacks!!

-So the spin attack^^^ would work like this: sword in right hand, pull from right, then push to left, wait for sword flare or whatever ques you to chain attack, press right analog stick button down(R3) to lock position in place then again pull from right, then push to left to execute spin attack (detailed below why need for lock in place)

-Details of why to lock in place: there might be a simple way to get this system working, if someone could write a script that made the right trigger and right analog stick when pressed together function as where your sword is in the world and on your person (this is why you would need to lock in place, bcuz pulling right analog stick back to the right would pull your sword and character back to that place also)

-so now ^^^ it actually feels like your swinging a sword and you have much more control over your attacks, this immerses you incredibly, instead of just pressing two buttons and having predetermined attack routes.

-This opens up alot of possibilities for combat, you can attack someones legs, maybe you can strike with the point of your sword by pressing the analog stick down and then up.

-Combinations and chaining attacks are dependent on using the analog function correctly and in a timed fashion

-You could also make a very dynamic parrying system where when an enemy attacks you have to parry in the direction hes attacking, you could do this by pressing the Left trigger and then pushing the analog stick to where he is attacking and depending on how precise you were it might only negate a little bit of damage or depletes a little vigor

Let me know if you guys like this! :{)


Apr 18, 2011

Combat system seems cool but need the same functionality as far as pressing and holding a button in conjunction with a slash movement to be bound to a keyboard button. Many fps players don't use WASD to move, and instead have at least forward on their mouse.


Jun 18, 2011

I have never heard of anyone having a move button on their mouse, I think it would work great with a mouse button even then, its just clicking and dragging, it makes perfect sense to me, but then again I innovated it. And this isn't for a fps, I was thinking a game like the witcher or skyrim


Apr 18, 2011

Yeah it is not as common as WASD and less common today where most games default to WASD. But that said even some well-known formerly competitive wow players such as Reckful actually use the mouse for forward movement.


Jun 18, 2011

I can see it in games like that, I used to used it in dragon age


Mar 4, 2011
Ok, check this idea out: You are a clerk at a department store. But you can do anything you want. You can help people find stuff and provide excellent customer service to work your way up the ranks to boss or something. OR you can break into the gun cabinet and go postal. You can seriously do anything you want. Punch old people. Block off all the exits and start a fire. Throw racks of clothes at people. Seriously anything that a human can do is possible in the store.


Oct 14, 2011

That would be sweet. But you wouldn't have to wait for a developer - you could mod that, easy.


Oct 14, 2011

Sorry, you've been beat.



In this game you can literally take your enemies apart limb from limb, and chop them into a thousand pieces, if you desire.
