What's the Best video card for Unreal?


Dec 31, 2007
I want to upgrade from a Voodoo 3 3000 to a Voodoo 5 5500. I have not been keeping up with the latest video cards. I wanted to know if there is something around the same price range, that performs better than the Voodoo 5?


Dec 31, 2007
As far as Unreal/Unreal Tournament goes, a Voodoo 5 would be a good choice, as the unreal engine runs much better with Glide than it does with Direct3D.

If you're going to play anything else than UT, you probably want to get a GeForce2 GTS which can easily beat Voodoo5 in almost every aspect. If you have a lot of money you could get a GeForce2 Pro or Ultra. With these you'll be kicking some serious ass!
You should be aware that buying a new graphics card is a bad idea if your system is too slow to keep up. Then you could end up with the card waiting for data from the CPU all the time.
If you really want something out of a GeForce2, I'd suggest something in the vicinity of an Athlon 550 as an absolute minimum.

Whatever you do, don't get a Voodoo5. Nvidias GeForce2 series is so much better, both in terms of price and performance.


Yes, Unreal loves and was written for Glide- it glows on it. Hell, the Voodoo 2 still shines on Unreal. If you want to get the best for Unreal- get the Voodoo 5. However, I have a GeForce2 MX and it runs at least 60fps on Unreal Tournament- which is more than enough (for me anyways).

-MP Jesse


Looks like the NVidia cards will soon have Glide too seing as how NVidia will soon own 3dfx. Voodoo5's will soon be completley unsuported because NVidia has no plans to suport old 3dfx products and 3dfx will shut down. This will probably take a year to come to pass, but after that you will be in the market for another vid card because the Voodoo5 won't play the new games.
