Discussion What's your favourite video game you've been playing?

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Thank god Deus Ex: Mankind Divided wasn't shown at Sony or Microsoft. Mankind Divided and XCOM 2 are reserved for PC Gaming Show 😀 Was getting worried the PC Gaming show was going to be full of F2Ps and MOBAs and indies.

Also does anyone else think that Uncharted 4 can be finished on youtube?
PC Gaming Show was kinda disappointing. Kind of more like a talk show. They didn't even get the main stage :ouch:

Atleast there was Deus Ex Mankind Divided

And no Valve again

It's more like a movie than a videogame. Has very little gameplay. You can get almost the full experience watching a video on youtube.

I've come back to Mass Effect 2 several times now. Great game. Skyrim was completely excellent. If you have not played that I highly recommend it. The Witcher games seem popular though the interface made me want to pull my hair out. Did not much care for Witcher 2.
OK, I'm done. Finally got South Park: The Stick of Truth and Game of Thrones from Telltale and that makes right at $100 blown on 11 games this Steam sale. More than I wanted to spend but I got some really good games cheap so I'm happy.
my favourite video game is Halo. can play it all day. Can play it all day. Also love GTA 5. mint. love mind games and adventure a lot.
Been playing Battlefield 4 cause it's just so much fun!:) But waiting for Rainbow Six Siege which looks unique and fun and I'm also waiting for Fallout 4!!
It does look great. I loved the last one. I thought they announced early 2016? I know Mass Effect: Andromeda is set for holiday 2016 though.

When I said "fave RPG" I was actually referring to Andromedia, which won't be out till at LEAST end of 2016, barring no push backs.

What I'm saying is this looks like a tasty hold me over to whet my appetite. It looks yummy. Reason I'm elated is I found the last one disappointing in graphics, map size, level layout, and gameplay. Clearly they've listened to our feedback, Yay Eidos!


Got ya :) And I totally agree.

We help the others because we like to.
None of us do it for a payment or an ultimate achievement.
I'm going to tell you nothing,but truth:~people won't be happy with any kind of costs for things that we do for free,as we always did.

Where did you quote this from? I don't see such a post in this thread.
He got mad I deleted the link to his youtube channel ( rather politely I might add ) and he deleted his account. That makes the deleted account's posts show as Anonymous being the author. Since he deleted his account I went back and deleted the offending posts. He was a new member just trying to spam hits for his youtube account anyway.

Mods can still see deleted posts though :)
LOL, the raging YouTube crowd. Sometimes I think it's more a nuisance than a blessing, but then I remember, it's the not the tool, it's how it's used.

Anyways, about to finish up my Akumu run of The Evil Within. Just the last two chapters and I'm more than equipped for what's to come.

I have level 5 Magnum with 12 extra rounds in two lockers. Level 5 Shock bolts, level 5 Flash, level 4 Harpoon. The Shotgun has max damage and stock.

Plenty of sprint time, level 4 I think, over 100 trap parts. The poor guys won't know what hit em. Some start out thinking Akumu is too hard, but the reality is, if you get all keys, save before using them, and keep trying for gel (or keys), that and the fact that you don't have to waste any gel on health or syringes, actually ends up making it easier resource wise.

It's all about smart tactics, resource use, and checkpoint manipulation too though. You don't necessarily need to cling to level 4 or 5 Flash bolts to get through level 6 for instance. The burning house you can actually avoid killing anyone in the 2nd wave of each floor and just run in circles waiting for Joseph to hack the doors.

This will keep other waves from coming. As long as you can stay away from those 3 guys, it's not too hard. I did it with the shotgun and lots of Flash bolts, but when I saw the run in circles trick after, I felt stupid.

And in the outside part with the gauntlet of arrow machines, you can sneak kill most if not all of the guys before triggering the checkpoint that starts them. Joseph aids you well there if you climb the ladder back in the corner and let him hide behind the wall.

I then manipulated the Sadist checkpoint vs trying to kill him immediately, by reloading it to use it to disarm several wall mines. I settled for 6 in a row of the 8 total, but that alone is 12 trap parts, and it only took a few tries.

Anyways, not saying it's an easy game, esp on Akumu. I've died more times than I can count, but I keep finding ways it can be managed well enough to not make it a constant struggle. I find anymore I'm confident going into the next area vs dreading it.

The post has been deleted since I've quoted it.


What about a game based off Andromeda the tv series? Though yeah I'm pretty psyched about the next ME.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I watched both Uncharted and Uncharted 2, the complete walktrhough on youtube. Suffice to say, I didn't really feel like I missed much from playing it directly.
New to PC gaming and I am having a blast. Never, ever going backwards. I will always have a stash to upgrade to the latest PC tech in my price range. With that said my fav games currently are.

Alien Rage
Borderlands 2 GOTY Edition
Halo Assault
Company of Heroes
The Witcher 3

My PC went online the end of May and I already have 70 games in my library, many I haven't even installed. So many great bundle sites. It's amazing how little you spend on games when you add everything up.