Frag Maniac
Titillating :
Just in case anybody missed it:,30313.html
Come (virtually) hang out with Tom's Hardware staff and writers on Friday!
Come (virtually) hang out with Tom's Hardware staff and writers on Friday!
That's all good if you can actually POST in a Steam Group discussion on Steam Forums as well.
Case in point, I spent a good amount of time yesterday calling GameStop stores in my area asking if they'd have Steam Machine demos after reading some articles stating Valve had partnered exclusivity with them for retail space. Even calling such installments Steam Machine "mini stores".
I couldn't find ANY GameStops in my area though that could actually confirm there would be any demo stations for the Steam Machine. I then started searching Steam forums threads, and found a Steam Group discussion about it with pics of a micro sized Steam Machine section in one GameStop, with no demo station. Apparently most GS stores won't even have a SM section.
There was a handful of people in the discussion, all upset about it, but I couldn't comment. I then did a Google search for "can't comment on Steam Group thread", and found a gen discussion Steam Forum thread where many were complaining of the same thing.
Valve are horrible at marketing and communicating. Kind of ironic since they have one of THE biggest gaming forum on the web.