I've been playing DOOM ETERNAL lately, and oh boy, this game actually rocks. Having a blast. Already beaten this game twice, but the game is tough, and the ammo is scarce, so you need to rely on Glory Kills to fill up ammo and other stuff.
Being playing around with these Cheat Codes makes the game even more addictive. Graphics are also cool, and all the textures are high-res, including enemy polygon count...
There are many CVARS and CMDS which we can enable and use via the console.
But MOST importantly, before doing anything, please make a BACKUP of the saved Games and the entire Profile Folder, and other user settings.
This is very very important, since enabling cheats might disable the game to continue further. Always Make a backup for each checkpoint if possible.
These CHEAT codes given below are just for fun. If you don't like this game, then simply don't play it. The game is too scripted though.
I've been experimenting with a LOT of DEV console commands to test/check the Game, and also to replay any LEVEL of my choice. It's cool witnessing these commands, but I prefer DOOM 2016's gameplay more than ETERNAL.
I'm Not that much happy and satisfied with ETERNAL, to be honest. Expected much more from this new doom Game. But anyways, try the following cheat codes just for fun.
God, ----- God mode for the doom player.
Notarget, ------ enemies completely ignore the player.
noclip, ------ player can walk through walls and objects, and fly around the whole MAP.
g_infiniteAmmo 1, unlimited ammo for all guns.
infiniteHealth 1
g_weaponkick 0 = No weapon recoil
pm_allowInfiniteDoubleJumps 1 = Infinite jumps for the player.
gibalicious - gib everything.
giveAllMaxedOutWeapons - Gives the player ALL the weapons fully upgraded with masteries.
giveCheatCode - Gives a specific cheat code
givePlayerAllSuitMods - Gives the player all the suit mods
handsPlayAdditiveAnim - cause the first person player hands to play an additive anim
handsTestHitReaction - play a hit reaction anim on the first person hands
healAI - heals all AI in the level
killMonsters - removes all monsters.
g_enableGore 2-------This will totally disable gore/gibs. The default value is 0, as well as 1. 2 completely disables this.
give weapon/player/unmaykr----Gives the UNMAYKR weapon to the player since the beginning.
To get the CRUCIBLE, type the following commands:
give weapon/player/Crucible
judgementmeter_infinite 1 ------for infinite crucible energy.
Blood Punch code:
p_infiniteBloodPunch 1
powerStrikeMeter_Enable 1
powerStrikeMeter_Infinite 1
Always allow the REVENANT enemy to fly round-----
revenant_infiniteJetpack 1. Default value is obviously 0.
Disable corpses/gibs from fading out
Set the following cvars:
ai_death_FadeDelay 99999999
breakable_NoFadeAndRemove 1
gore_neverFadeAndRemove 1
With this corpses/gibs should stay on screen for about 24 hours before fading away, now you can really rip and tear!
(for some placebo-tier gibbing
dp_deadHideDemonTime 86400000
dp_deadRemoveDemonTime 86400000
ai_MaxCorpses 1000
corpse_optimzationStartTime 86400000
corpseManager_MaxEntities 200
gore_maxLivingGoreEnts 1000
corpse_useEntityPool 0
g_entityPoolMode 0
To boundary break the game and explore the map try this::
Set r_useUmbraCulling to 0, then enter "noclip" to freely break the bounds of the game and noclip wherever you like!.
There are many many more CODES I've been using and experimenting....