Question Which GPU to replace my GTX 1080 with ?

Dell Gsync 144hz 1440p Monitor
MSI GTX 1080 8GB
i7 6800k 3.4 (4.0Ghz Overclocked 2.375v)
Bequiet Dark Rock Cooler 3 Silent Wings
Asus X99-A II
4x4GB 2666mhz DDR 4 Corsair
RM 850X Corsair PSU

I am looking to get a new GPU now to replace my 7yr old one and am confused if I should get a 3080 or go for the 4000 series. I see them online but honestly didn't hear much about them so no clue.

I'm mainly looking for a boost in Borderlands 3, Dishonored 2 and my other AAA games.

Also which brand as my last 2 GPUS have been MSI (GTX 970/1080)



How old is the PSU in your build? Might as well invest on the RTX4000 series since you're doing a generational jump from the GTX1000 series and the RTX5000 will soon be upon us.

Budget for your GPU purchase? Where are you located and perhaps a preferred site for purchase?
First, take the time to verify that a better graphics card will do you substantial good.
Try this simple test:
Run YOUR games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
This makes the graphics card loaf a bit.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.

When you upgrade a graphics card, see if you can't make it a substantial jump.
MSI 1080 was a nice card some time ago.
Find it on tom's gpu hierarchy chart:

Look for a card 2/3 tiers higher.
I would think 4060ti or better.
3070 or 6700XT would perform similarly.
How old is the PSU in your build? Might as well invest on the RTX4000 series since you're doing a generational jump from the GTX1000 series and the RTX5000 will soon be upon us.

Budget for your GPU purchase? Where are you located and perhaps a preferred site for purchase?
I got a new PSU about 2 years ago as my old one died. It was a good PSU I just can't remember the name of it.