Question Which graphic card should I get for 1080p 144hz


Jun 29, 2017
Im selling a gtx 1060 and getting a gpu which one should I get and what will be my bottleneck % for my cpu
btw I can also wait after I sell my 1060 for navi
also I wont be upgrading my graphic card again probably for the next 4+ years
Im playing fortnite pubg cs go rainbow six siege apex legends
Im planning on overclocking if my psu can handle it
first of all my system

i7 7700(non k)
16 ddr4 2400
550w psu thermaltake

My choices:
Prices in this region are very expensive
gtx 1080:405 usd
gtx 1080ti:508 usd
rtx 2060:491 usd
I own a 1080 and can tell you to probably go with the 1080ti. Its actually way more powerful than the 1080 and should stay relevant longer. If you are playing in 1080p only than you could probably get away with the 1080, but It won't be able to handle all games for the next 4 years at 144hz, in fact, you may not be able to get 144hz in Apex on ultra with it.
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I'll throw this out there because no one has said it yet, If you are only playing on a 60hz monitor, the 2060 will probably be the best deal, you can enable Global Illumination and still get 60 in a good amount of titles, just adjust the settings. If you are planning on targeting higher than 60fps, the 2060 kinda fails at achieving those with Global Illumination on, so that reason kinda goes out the window. The 1080ti is the most powerful (without Global Illumionation) and the 1080 and 2060 have almost identical performance (again without global illumination). With GI on, the 2060 pulls ahead.
I wouldn't say simple choice without knowing the resolution and refresh rate you intend to play at. Based on the games you play, I would recommend getting the 1080ti but only if you plan on going with a 120 or 144hz or higher monitor or a resolution higher than 1080p. If you know you are strictly only going to play at 1080p 60hz, then do not get a 1080ti, get the 2060. But that being said, I would recommend playing those games at 144hz, you will notice you are better at the game while playing at a higher refresh rate, and a 1080ti would be justified if your'e gaming at that refresh rate.
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