Which PSU brand do you trust?

Which PSU brand do you trust?

  • Zalman

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Coolermaster

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Corsair

    Votes: 26 48.1%
  • OCZ

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Thermaltake

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Tagan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other...

    Votes: 15 27.8%

  • Total voters


Sep 14, 2010
Which brand should I prefer? Always a difficult question...
So I desided to ask the community via this poll...

I used to prefer Zalman but lately I discovered some other good PSU brands also...
So lets get voting!


Dude...why are we leaving out half the better or best brands? XFX, Enermax, Corsair, Seasonic, ya know, the one who makes half the PSU's for the companies i just mentioned, Silverstone, my personal favorite...?


Sep 14, 2010
Sorry for not having in the list some of your favorite brands... but I had put in my list the brands I knew and some of them I trust...

Brands like Enermax, Seasonic, Silverstone I didn't know (since this post) that they were so good! Also I thought Antec was not so trustable... with no quality... but this post surely made its goals... I learned some new good/trusted brands!

I feel like I'm stuck in the "Middle Age" of PSU. I probably should change my mind about the quality of some brands...


Sep 14, 2010

What do you mean by that?

OCZ is parent company of which brand?


For all the performance PC's, Servers (24/7), PC-DVRs (24/7) I've always used Antec, Coolmaster and OCZ. Never had any downtime. Cheap PSU's are not worth the headache. Other brands like Aztec and Delta are good for low powered PC's servers that will happily run 24/7 without a hiccup.


antec had huge problems with capacitor failures in the smart power and true power power supplies a while back. antecs newer offerings are high quality, the only thing to watch out for is that the antec basiq power models under 500w are generic crap not even worthy if the antec name, so avoid those!



Not an addict yet :p And i find Antec has slipped into overpricing their better products a bit. Anything over a 1000w and your pretty much on a good path to getting a high quality expensive PSU. Yet they charge an extra $100 for nothing special really. Now, of course, they arent the only ones, but ive noticed it more from them lately.

XFX has just 3 PSU's.. Which one do you feel is bad.?

Best answer..
You forgot XFX. XFX is a new player, but it made a darn good splash in the PSU arena with their 650W+ units. Check out the reviews at JonnyGuru to see what I mean.

1- Cosair
2- Antec
3- Seasonic
4- PC Power and Cooling
5- XFX (some are good)
6- OCZ
M8, ALL of the XFX PSUs got at least a 9 @ JonnyGuru. IIRC, all of the XFX units got 10/10 for performance.

My recommendations based on price vs performance:
1. XFX
2. Corsair
3. PC Power & Cooling/SeaSonic
4. Antec
5. OCZ

I would not recommend any thing below a OCZ.