Being a college student, I've noticed the dumb kids are usually either Management or Art majors (tho I'd give the edge to Mgmt). I think the intelligent people do something more intellectually demanding. For example, I have a double major in Math & Physics with a minor in Actuarial Science (this is where my knowledge of mgmt majors comes from), and I haven't found a dumb kid in either of those majors (well Math majors need Calculus Based Physics I & II which confuses some of them quite a bit).
Anyways, I work on campus as well and have seen some of the decisions of IT. For example, recently we replaced two 5 year old HP laserjet printers with 2 HP 8150N laserjets. These go for about $2500 each and have 32ppm speed, 1100 pg capacity and are rated for 150k pgs/mo, and have an Ethernet connection. I noticed HP also makes a 4350N, which has the same 1100 pg capacity, is rated for a higher 250k pgs/mo, has a faster 55ppm, an Ethernet connection, and a lower price tag of $1500. A little research would've figured that one out. And 32ppm is actually slower than what we had, I think they were 36ppm before.
Oh, it gets a little better. Before we had the 2 old printers, we had 4 of them. So essentially we traded 4 printers for 2, and then traded those 2 for 2 slower ones. On top of it, the printers are controlled through a 'print release station' which is an extra 2.8GHz P4 Dell which runs just one app where you login to the domain and can then release your print jobs and cancel the ones you don't want anymore. Now, this print release station gets its queue from a server. One day I went into work, and the director of the place tells me the printers are down. I'm like 'OK...' I mean, seriously, I'm getting little more than $8/hr and that's a problem that I can't fix because it's all controlled by IT which I am not working for. So I just went in to my office (shared with my immediate boss who was out that day). Then the director comes back and says IT fixed the problem, and it turned out the art department was copying a lot of files on the server. Turns out the printer queue server is also a file server. Stupid retards, give art their own server, or make the print release station the server.
Moreover, when you print to these printers you get charged something like 10 cents a page. The first $30 are free every semester, the next $30 cost you and anything beyond that you need authorization for. If you just look at what IP address the print queue goes to you can print to the printers directly for free and they're not going to find out since that traffic never went through any server. The PCs are setup to not allow new printer connections, but laptops are required for all new students for the last 2 years, and we have a campus wide wireless network (rated in the top 10 by Intel in their 'Most Unwired College Campuses') so you could easily configure it on your laptop, and print to the server for free.