Question Why did my motherboard stop detecting my graphics card?

Oct 8, 2019
CPU: Intel® Core ™ i5-4590 processor 3.30 GHZ
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 380
Motherboard: MSI MS-7823

I realised I had this issue when I accidentally gave my tower a small push with my legs and when I pulled away the display on my monitor got cut.

I already tried re-seating the GPU and using another PCIE slot, has not worked.

And the odd thing is the logo on the graphics card lights up when I boot up my PC. Please help :)
I realised I had this issue when I accidentally gave my tower a small push with my legs and when I pulled away the display on my monitor got cut.
So you just moved your PC case a bit and then signal went off?

Sooner would guess that the display cable between the GPU and monitor has become loose or damaged potentially.
Could anything have moved inside the case? How much did you push it?