[SOLVED] why does my 8 core processor only show up as 1 core?

Mar 8, 2020
I have a ryzen 7 2700 8 core processor but it only shows up as one core in the task manager. I have also tried msconfig but it also shows up as 1 and there is no dropdown to change the cores. I have also went to my bios and set the SMT option to auto (there is no enabled). Other third party apps like core temp and cpu z also show i have 1 core and thread. How do i fix this problem?
Bring up task manager, select the Performance tab, then select CPU. Right click on the CPU graph and select Change graph to -> Logical processors.

The 'dropdown' is displayed when you right click on the graph.
Did you recently upgrade to the 2700 on the same Windows install? If Number of processors check box is ticked in msconfig > boot, try unticking it and reboot. If you did upgrade cpu, sometimes Windows limits the cores by checking number of processors itself.