[SOLVED] Why does my GPU have 2 pins merged?

Aug 21, 2020
This is an old GPU, geforce 6 series. It's a PCI card, not PCIexpress. The pins in the picture are the first set of pins from the left, near the output ports, front side. The card seems to work fine, without issues. As far as I know it's always been like that but I'd like to know why 2 pins are merged?


I've searched the pinout and I've found this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripheral_Component_Interconnect#Connector_pinout
If I'm correct, pins 5-6 are both +5V pins so I guess they're the same thing as they both are used to provide voltage. But why are they merged like that?
Are you sure you're talking about Geforce 6? Found it odd there would have been a PCI only model but according to Nvidia, only AGP / PCIe models exist.

Yep it's a 6200 256MB PCI card as correctly suggested by @hotaru.hino (I've just checked the label). Perhaps there is a bit of confusion with the 600 series? This card is very old. It was probably one of the first gen cards after AGP but before PCIe.
Yep it's a 6200 256MB PCI card as correctly suggested by @hotaru.hino (I've just checked the label). Perhaps there is a bit of confusion with the 600 series? This card is very old. It was probably one of the first gen cards after AGP but before PCIe.
Nah, it's just that PCI cards became extremely rare after AGP was a thing. But funny thing, they made PCI cards all the way up to the HD 5450 and GT 710.