Yesterday I bought a new pc, which I self-assembled. below I'm giving specifications.
I saw glitches on the BIOS menu. At first, I ignored it and Installed OS and all other required drives. But when I restart my pc again, after installing all drivers. I can't even able to see my screen as there are lots of glitches on screen and resolution got changed can't even find Geforce butter on right-click. Also, the screen sometimes going black and pc got freeze.
Can you guys help me out, what actually causing this problem?
(I'm doubting either it's a faulty GPU or either my BIOS)
Will be really grateful if you help.
- Intel i5 10400F
- Gigabyte H410 S2 V2
- Corsair 8GB 2400 Mhz Ram
- Corsair 500 PSU
- Asus GT 710 2GB
- WD 240 M.2
I saw glitches on the BIOS menu. At first, I ignored it and Installed OS and all other required drives. But when I restart my pc again, after installing all drivers. I can't even able to see my screen as there are lots of glitches on screen and resolution got changed can't even find Geforce butter on right-click. Also, the screen sometimes going black and pc got freeze.
Can you guys help me out, what actually causing this problem?
(I'm doubting either it's a faulty GPU or either my BIOS)
Will be really grateful if you help.