Will 1920x1080 resolution run well on my GPU?

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Sep 12, 2012
I want to get a 23" 1920x1080 hdmi moniter for my rig but i just wanted to know if it would hinder my games that i used to play on 1200x1020.

Gpu... HD Radeon 6950 2 gig
cpu... i5 3570k 3.6ghz
psu... 550 watt antec
ram... 8 gigs
hdd... WD 500gig
Mobo... ASRock z75 pro 3

with the current resolution and in the past 5 monthes i have been able to play all games on max settings at 60fps including skyrim and borderlands 2. only games that put a strain on my rig is farcry 3 on ultra settings which takes my fps to an average of around 40. and shogun 2 if i put shadows on ultra and theirs alot of people at once.

So what im saying i guess is my parts are running fine.and i really want 1080p for my rig so wi i be able to upgrade to 1920x1080?
You will lose some FPS but it will run fine at that resolution. You might need to turn down the details on some games, especially Far Cry 3. I would consider upgrading to a Radeon HD 7950 or 7970 when you can. Time to start saving up some cash.


You will lose some FPS but it will run fine at that resolution. You might need to turn down the details on some games, especially Far Cry 3. I would consider upgrading to a Radeon HD 7950 or 7970 when you can. Time to start saving up some cash.
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