Will DirectX 12 Come to Windows 7?

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It doesn't really matter to me since all software is free on the internet and as long as third party software allows for Windwos 10 to look like Window 7 mostly, I'd be fine and I'd get all the kernel improvements of win10. Start8 already has support for win10 and I'm sure the others will too.
If MS is so arrogant and greedy that they won't release dx 12 onto win 7 then AMD has an opportunity to provide close to the metal API with mantle on Vista, win 7, win 8, linux, and steam os.
History shows that MS will withhold DirectX from old platforms to push people to the new ones. I don't why anyone expects and different.
Well the whole Windows 7 to Windows 8 funnel completely backfired. Microsoft should have learned something from trying to make decisions for their users but, I doubt it. After spending the weekend with Windows 10, I don't think it will be big issue. It "feels" close enough to Windows 7, for me.

I guess I would say, first.... show me a game that is worth leaving my current operating system. I get 5 years to browse still.
Is this really a surprise to anyone? That's the current OS after all, anyone running Windows 7 is going to be on extended support once DX12 is released and shouldn't be expecting new features to be added anymore.

Windows 7 is where the users are at. Windows 8/8.1 is just today's Vista or WinME
@skit75 even though what you say is true windows 7 is still acting like windows XP did until they totally ended offical support for it and many ppl still use it in companies even though there is no offical support.
End of new feature support saddly means just that no new features but i am mostly sure once DX12 is out there will be a way to get it onto windows 7 but also i predict a very slow adoption by triple A game devs as it includes a ton of what i see as nice to have for a static system ie console, smartphone spefic apps, an embeded prebuilt fixed hardware set systems but i do not think it will go to well onto the desktop nor the laptop market for the same reason that DX11 and DX 11 feature sets did not there is nothing worth doing it ... unless it can curb the insanely high computing resource needs of Ubisoft and their new game engine i do not think they will use it nor have many other game studios either until it is built into Unreal Engine and/or another popular to use game engine.
MS have never released the optimizations implemented in DX11 for Windows 8, in Windows 7. I don't see them releasing DX12 for Windows 7 at all 🙁
Wasnt WinXP have that kind of market share when DX10 is out? So I think Microsoft wouldn't care about win 7 market share. DX12 also bring a bigger impact than DX10.

1. both Consoles have DX12 hardware, so no consoles will held back the DX12(PS3 is DX9 hardware held back DX10 adoption rate)
2. DX10 require new GPU, DX12 can work on Fermi which is 2 gen behind.
3. DX12 is metal API = so it should be easier for developer

so DX12 adoption rate is definitely going to be faster than DX10

all very true but the problem isnt from DX9 to DX10 history trends it is DX10 to DX11 and how poorly that went. Then of course you really wont get any DX12 games until another few years as the game engine Unreal engine 4 with DX12 enabled is still with some runtime bugs to which no game dev wants run time bugs from a thing that they have no control over.
Expect Microsoft to screw over their PAYING customers, again... like with XP and DX10... which was by choice. When a hacker can make Windows98 run on an iPad, I think a multi-billion dollar company can make their OWN API work on anything.

So, to *PUSH* Windows 7 users into Win10, they will NOT release DX10 for Win7... which is going to have the same effect for XP/DX10... Not many people will give a <Mod Edit>... they'll stay with Win7. Sure some games may "require" DX12, but will only use DX10 - maybe DX11 effects... and with MS not supporting gaming for PC... it goes back to... "Who cares?"

The Game developers won't care because they have a much better platform to develop on with the PS4. Remember, a console game that sells lousy - would be a big seller for PC market.

For business users... (the primary user base for Windows, since it's main function is to run MS-Office), they could care less about DX 9, 10 , 12 whatever. So again, MS will burn all their gamers and slow down the adoption rate for DX12 in the hopes of getting a few thousand converts.

Only way to get people to REALLY want Windows10, is if there is some sort of holographic technology that can't work with anything thing else... but that is hardware limitation, not an OS.
I am not expecting MS to release DX12 for Windows 7 because they want people to get Windows 10 or at least Windows 8.1 Update 1. As far as I am concern I don't care what MS thinks and what they will do cause I gave up on that company and it doesn't matter cause DX12 doesn't bring a squat compared to what Mantle API does, still games are running DX9 with few useless DX11 features.
That will change red with the new consoles. They will all support DX12, and that's what companies are going to program for. DX9 exists like it does because that's what the 360 and PS3 run. DX12 also brings in many/most of the improvements that Mantle gives, but for all games. I see DX12 becoming very big over the next few years, while mantle all but fades away.
Everyone wants free things, like they didn't already get the product they paid for. I wouldn't be surprised though, if DX12 did come to W7, but I would expect it to be 6-12months after W10 release.
@yumri, @belardo

the adoption rate will still be slow, but it wont be as bad/slow as DX10/DX11 due to the 3 points I listed in my previous post. DX12 will be slow, but will still be faster than DX10/DX11.
Uh... the Sony Playstations do not use DX. While both consoles use rather recent DX11 class hardware - doesn't mean they are coded for DX, as it was made as an interface to the hardware.
nah, I don't expect DX12 to come to Windows 7. In the end it isn't likely to effect a number of genres. developers look to the bottom line. so if Microsoft holds back DX12 for windows 7 it will only hurt DX12's adoption until windows 10's market penetration reached critical mass ( likely by 2020 when everyone will have to upgrade lol)
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