Question Will it Bottleneck?


Aug 26, 2017
As per my question, I am planning on upgrading my rig's gpu into either
rtx 2070s or 2080s. My current rig is equipped with i7 6700, 16gb ram and gtx 1070.
Will it cause a bottleneck if I only upgrade my gpu or should I change my whole rig and will the performance differ a lot if I upgrade into them? Thanks for any suggestions
"bottleneck" is sorely misunderstood.

Swapping in a better component (the GPU) increases performance, not decreases.
sorry what should i call it then? I'm just worried that maybe by using an older gen cpu would limit or holdback the newer gpu. I'd love to change into a whole new rig but its more costly.
sorry what should i call it then? I'm just worried that maybe by using an older gen cpu would limit or holdback the newer gpu. I'd love to change into a whole new rig but its more costly.
You shouldn't call "it" anything.

An old CPU may not let the new hotrod GPU do ALL of its expected performance, but the system will NOT be worse with a better GPU.

In basic terms, the CPU serves up framerate, the GPU provides the eyecandy.

Putting in a better GPU allows better eyecandy, at the same framerate the CPU can provide.
You shouldn't call "it" anything.

An old CPU may not let the new hotrod GPU do ALL of its expected performance, but the system will NOT be worse with a better GPU.

In basic terms, the CPU serves up framerate, the GPU provides the eyecandy.

Putting in a better GPU allows better eyecandy, at the same framerate the CPU can provide.
so changing into a new gpu won't increase my fps? cause that is what I'm hoping to atleast improve the fps of running games or editing software with a newer gpu.