Question Will The Gtx 1650 work with this Prebuilt Computer?

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Jul 1, 2019
I bought the fujitsu esprimo p420 e85 about 2 months ago and I wanted to know if the MSI GeForce gtx 1650 AERO ITX 4GB OC will work with this Prebulit PC or any gtx 1650 since I want to use it to play Cyberpunk 2077.

This is the PC

Thank You In Advance.
That's a solid, "MAYBE".

Personally, I'd replace the power supply with a quality unit of at least 450 watts (your current is only 280 watts) before trying a new graphics card.

Data Sheet

-Wolf sends

Thanks a lot for responding.
My Power Supply is 250W. I thought this Graphics Card didn't need any external power cables and just needed to connect to the motherboard. With this prebuilt Computer, I think You can't change the power supply.
Good thing you found that out. YOU can try to power that card with your current, but personally, I wouldn't even bother. If you cannot replace the power supply (without rewiring), it's time to start looking at a new system.

-Wolf sends

Yeah, I know but since I never had my own PC and logically not a gaming PC. I thought I could just ad the gtx 1650 instead of the gtx 1050ti in this video (
) since it doen't consume as much as his counterpart. So yeah. Hope It will work. Since I'm using the money from my fist Job. Again Thanks a lot.
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