
Aug 25, 2011
need abit of advice, ive just ordered a new motherboard (Asrock 970 Extreme4 AM3+), would these specs all be compatible with this board(Phenom II x4 955BE-MSI GTX560-8GB Ripjaw 1600 ram-EZcool 800w PSU) If anything it,ll be the PSU that lets me down,im getting a new PSU next week, a CORSAIR 550w or 600w 80% bronze, i,ll also be going SLI in afew weeks, just looking for abit of feedback on this set up.
I would get at least a 650w PSU. I wouldn't go lower. As long is 1.5-1.65v you should be fine as long as the motherboard supports the memory speeds. Also, a 955 BE will most likely bottleneck GTX 560s in SLi. Just make sure you overclock far!


Aug 25, 2011
cheers for info, i wasnt sure if 550w or 600 would do it, so i,ll defo go with the 650 w PSU,i would have thought this board would have been ok in SLI with it been the 9 SERIES motherboard which is SLI/CROSSFIRE compatable, if i dont go SLI then i,ll be getting new BULLDOZER 6 or 8 core.

Why a FX series CPU? They are pretty much terrible. The only good one is the FX-8150 for VERY few things. Most things will not even use the eight threads it has to offer. The 6 core isn't good either. The 2500k is the best price/performance CPU on the market and OCs very well.


Oct 16, 2011

Why not? The price for the FX series chips is decent, the motherboards are less expensive, and while they may not benchmark as fast as the Intel stuff they're perfectly fine for today's games. If your on a budget the Bulldozer chips are fine pieces of hardware. Besides, when is the last time anyone had 100% CPU utilization with their 2500K or 2600K in a real life situation?

1) Because, like I said, they are pretty much terrible. They take LOADS of power when OCed and the performance per clock is bad. Worse than Phenom II, so actually a downgrade in my opinion as the FX-8150's performance is on par with the 1100T when being stressed to the maximum, meaning that 6 cores worth of PII at a lower clock is stronger than 8 cores of FX at a higher clock.

2) Motherboards being less expensive is a myth. You can find Intel boards for just same price if you actually want one worth having. I know I wouldn't spend just $100 on a board if I wanted SLI/CF and the ability to OC well. You need to spend more money to get that anyway whether an AMD or Intel system. If you buy a h61 board, that is a pretty inexpensive board.

3) Yes, they are GENERALLY fine for most things, but the bottleneck many modern multi-GPU set ups and are very restricting in games becasue most games can only use up to 4 cores anyway. The FX quad cores are not very strong especially in games such as SC2 and BF3. Basically any CPU intensive game. Why buy what can scrape you by when you can get a CPU that will last you years to come?

4) 2500ks and 2600ks can be used to the maximum when you are doing video editing, running a CPU intensive game and other programs and just multi-tasking like crazy. Especially during explosions in games when the CPU needs that extra boost of power to maintain high FPS.

Those are my reasons why I do not think FX is worth it. I am not an Intel fan-boy, I love AMD, but they just are not worth it right now. You gotta buy smart, not on brands.


Aug 25, 2011
HostileDonut, like you,ve just said at the end"you gotta buy smart"thats why im getting a fx series,windows 8 will be out end of the year,fx series will come into there own, as thats what there optimized for, im thinking more about the next couple of year.

Um. Well see, here is the thing!

The patches Windows made for 7 added minimal performance increases anyway, which means windows 8 probably won't be too much better. It well be better at handling the CORES! That means only the eight core will run SLIGHTLY better. The hex and quad core CPU should run pretty much the same. The clock speed is even slower than PII. That means unless you are using ALL eight cores @ 100% usage, the CPU is good at best. Why buy a good CPU when you can get a great CPU? Also, if you plan to overclock the CPU, it is gonna pull an insane amount of watts. Have fun racking up the energy bill!

FX is not a smart buy at all. AMD fans will say it is, but you need to actually do the research yourself. Save yourself the disappointment of thinking windows 8 is going to improve the performance, because well, the best you are gonna get is a couple % better performance. Intel is about 50% or more faster per clock! To match a stock Core i5 2500k (3.3Ghz) you would need something like a FX CPU clocked close to 5Ghz. Overclock the Intel, and well, the AMD cannot compete anywhere!

Don't get a bad CPU. Please!

EDIT: You said you were thinking about the next couple of years? FX is slower than Core 2 which came out in 2006. It won't last 2 years as it is having trouble today! What makes you think tomorrow will be any better?


Aug 25, 2011
i know were your coming from, but money is a big factor in my build, as im out of work at the momment so my funds are pretty tight, i might not get the fx chip, im gonna wait see how my PHENOM II quad runs with the new board first,see how the OC goes with that, if i get half decent results, then the money will go to an INTEL build, as im looking to get both builds, ive got bits & peices around towards an intel build, so we,ll wait
& see.

Well, what do you plan on doing with the machine and what's your budget? I might be able to help. The big reason I am against FX is because for thing that do not use more than 6 threads, it isn't very fast and for the same price as a 8 core you can get a 2500k which is much better for the most part.

I don't mean to bash AMD, just the FX series. ;)


Aug 25, 2011
ive just had to oreder another m/board becouse the asrock 970 extreme4 am3+ has been discontinued, so ECLIPSE the online pc retailer in the uk emailed me an alturnative (Asrock 990FX Extreme3 AM3+) which is a better board than my orginal choice, anyone got this board & is it a good choice
Well, I guess you already ordered the board, so you might as well get a AMD Phenom II X6 1090t if you plan to OC. Or even not OCing for that matter. Don't get an FX.

If you use it for 3D and art stuff, get an Nvidia card because of CUDA.


Aug 25, 2011
the board should be here today,ive got a MSI gtx560 grahics card for the physX & cuda, i just prefer NVIDIA when it comes to GFX cards,i know the haters will have something to say about the NVIDIA choice,ha

Nah, just a preference. Anyway, I would shoot for a 1090t and overclock it. That CPU will still give pretty good performance especially in thins that run 6 cores.