What do you want from your gaming next?
I want games that take better consideration of my time, where developers have created lots of fun content but don’t artificially stretch it out by drip feeding it or having tons of timed content that forces the player to take the game on as a second job. I also don’t want them using excessively high end goals as a way to introduce pay2win features that allow people to then skip through the slog of mundane junk added.
What do you need in your new gear?
Mice that have switches that actually last or are at least easy to access and swap out. There should be no reason screws are hidden under the Teflon skates. Repairability, in general, should be improved.
How should game or gear developers meet your newest demands for amazing experiences?
Don’t design equipment in a way that significantly impedes people from accessing their devices. Use materials and components that are designed to last more than just a year or two. Game developers should take their time to finish a game, ensure it in the best state they can before releasing it. Don’t jump on every bandwagon you find and try to shoehorn in mechanics from other titles. Microtransactions are a plague, avoid them.