What do you want from your gaming next?
It would be nice to have a few new games that are fun enough to play multiple times. These so-called "AAA" titles are too cookie-cutter and get boring quickly. Isn't there more to gaming than making obscene amounts of money? How about making truly great games that are worth the premium. And lets get away from the micro-transactions and "freemium" type games.
What do you need in your new gear?
Need? Though I have a GTX 1080, my CPU is 5 generations behind the latest, my RAM is at least a generation behind, and though I use an SSD, it too is 1-2 generations behind. Monitor is fairly dated as well, sure it does 1080p but it lacks any sort of frame-sync technology, HDR, etc.
How should game or gear developers meet your newest demands for amazing experiences?
It's asking a lot, but the prices on either are staggering. I know that every advancement incurs more cost, but do we really need things like ray-tracing for example? Is that worth taking on an extra USD$1000 for a graphics card? Can it at least calculate the meaning of life other than "42"? Tell me which lottery numbers to play?