win XP 64-bit Edition Version 2003



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage (More info?)

Loaded WIN XP 64-bit as OS on to AMD 3.2G 64-bit. Now I
can not get my drivers to work. Radeon 9200se 8X,sound
card,dvd r. Could someone please point me in the right
direction for some help.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage (More info?)

Check the manufacturers website for availability of 64 bit drivers.
Many are not yet available.

See this link as well as the 64 bit newsgroup referenced on the link:

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"ronjon" <> wrote in message
> Loaded WIN XP 64-bit as OS on to AMD 3.2G 64-bit. Now I
> can not get my drivers to work. Radeon 9200se 8X,sound
> card,dvd r. Could someone please point me in the right
> direction for some help.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage (More info?)


There won't be many 64-bit drivers around yet - try the following link or contact the manufacturer for some help:


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

"ronjon" <> wrote in message news:423601c42b52$2b42d790$a101280a@phx.gbl...
| Loaded WIN XP 64-bit as OS on to AMD 3.2G 64-bit. Now I
| can not get my drivers to work. Radeon 9200se 8X,sound
| card,dvd r. Could someone please point me in the right
| direction for some help.

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